Tag: Genocide

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NNN: Geopolitical tensions impact genocide negotiations

NNN: Geopolitical tensions impact genocide negotiations

Isai Sipunga Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah highlighted geopolitical tensions such as the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Palestine as obstacles to the ongoing genocide negotiations between Namibia and Germany.  During her opening statement at the 2024 Chiefs’ Forum last week, Nandi-Ndaitwah emphasised how these global conflicts are not conducive to the negotiations. ...

Massive achievements in genocide talks – NNN

Massive achievements in genocide talks – NNN

Linea Dishena Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah says it is important for Namibians to appreciate the progress that has been made in the 1904-1908 genocide negotiations, cautioning that relying on external organisations may not benefit Namibia in the current highly polarised international political order. Opening the Chiefs Forum for more than 100 chiefs and their senior...