
Tales of the Legends – Jan, the epitome of athletic and academic brilliance

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FORMER Chief Santos fast-as-lightning winger, Jan-Justin Xamiseb, has the kind of face and looks that would make many people conclude he could hardly harm a fly, but his ruthlessness in front of goal on the football pitch was in total contrast to his somewhat laid-back demeanour.

His ability to outfox his markers and leave them in the lurch had very much to do with natural speed and being a sprinter of note during his school days, when he excelled in both the football and athletic disciplines with distinction.

In 1980, the mild-mannered incumbent school principal represented his native land in the Under-21 football team. He also gained national colours in athletics during the Namov organized athletics meeting in 1984, when he showed his competitors a clean pair of heels claiming two first place finishes in both the 400m and 800m sprints.

What he lacked in terms of skill was made up by devastating pace and great finishing, complemented by unbelievable off-the-ball running and ability to create something out of nothing, while his incredible leadership came in handy for his young and relatively inexperienced team-mates. New Era Sports caught up with him and here is his full story.

TSUMEB – Born in the northern copper town of Tsumeb in 1966, Jan started out with local outfit Rangers Football Club as a teenage striker where he made waves with a flurry of goals that announced him as a potential superstar.

As a raw youngster, Jan was destined to become a great athlete. In fact, his genes dictated that he would become an extraordinary athlete since his mother in her prime time was a noted netballer. 

His late uncle Gabes Dausab, a former Rangers FC protégé, was arguably one of the finest centre backs to grace the local football scene during a blossoming football career with the St Joseph’s Secondary School (Dobra) and Black Africa FC, as well as the all-conquering South West Africa (SWA) Bantu Invitational Eleven.

Like many of his peers in the neigbourhood, the versatile all rounder joined forces with Chief Santos FC while still a young pupil at the Oshikoto Secondary School in his native Nomtsoub in Tsumeb in 1984. He was among a number of youngsters that invaded the star-studded Santos first team, as the old guard faded away to make room for new blood. 

Jan was to oversee several generations at the copper town lads. His unmatched discipline convinced club management to reward him with the captain’s armband – leading to his subsequent selection for the national junior football team (Under-21) alongside team-mate Player Wimmerth.   

It was not until the annual Chamber of Commerce Mine Games that Jan really announced his arrival as a multi-talented athlete, excelling in both the middle distance races and football, winning a gold medal in both the 400m and 800m in 1991.

His goal-scoring prowess propelled Santos to title victory in only the 2nd edition of the National Premier League in post-independent Namibia in 1991, and he subsequently represented Namibia in the Confederation of African Football (CAF) Club Champions League in the gold and green strip of his beloved Santos.

“Playing alongside midfield general Naftalie Goraseb used to be fun as it made me a much better footballer. Bra Naf exactly knew my strengths and could place the ball into space – making it very easy for me to pick my spot before rattling the opposition’s net,” boasts the well-spoken and calculated school principal.

By his own admission, he wished one could turn back the clock and bring back the good old days when footballers put their bodies on the line for the love of, and undying loyalty to, their beloved clubs. 

“In those days, football was like a religion among the black communities across all corners of the country because we all had the same thing in common, discipline, loyalty, competitiveness, and above all, respect for team leaders, fans and the elders.”

Jan is among those few gifted athletes who juggled other commitments with sport. He never allowed sport to interfere with his academic aspirations and responsibilities. 

“As much as I was very passionate about football, I always knew what I wanted in life and would always try my level best to keep my feet on the ground. So I made it my sole beat to keep a healthy distance from destructive elements and undesirable activities such as alcohol abuse and other bad habits – that’s how I managed to balance sport and school work.”  

A trustworthy and obedient young man of decent upbringing, Jan would also double up as Santos’ driver whenever the team travelled out of town to honour their tight league fixtures.  

Nowadays a school principal and part-time commercial farmer, the modest Jan still harbours aspirations of getting back into football and athletics in his desire to plough back the experience gained through the years during his time on the athletics track and football pitches.

When quizzed about his biggest challengers on the football pitch, the 48-year- old married father of five children (three daughters and two sons) did not hesitate to finger incumbent Namibian champions Black Africa as his toughest opponents during his playing days. 

“They (BA) had highly gifted athletes in their squad in the mould of Lucky Boostander, Rusten Mogane and Dawid ‘Big Fellah’ Snewe. The latter used to be quite a handful for many defenders. He was very difficult to mark because of his bulky frame, pace, physical strength, unbelievable vision, brilliant first touch and above all, an eye for goal.” 

Jan reserved special praise for a guy who really gave him a torrid time on the playing field. That man was none other than the late Orlando Pirates and Blue Waters tough-tacking centre back, Salatiel Ndjao, whom he described as the best centre back in the history of domestic football. 

Without an iota of doubt, Jan strongly believes former Eleven Arrows and Chief Santos dribbling wizard, one Nancky Nickel, is the most accoxmplished footballer of all time. 

By Carlos ‘CK’ Kambaekwa