
Teacher arrested over gruesome murder

Home Featured Teacher arrested over gruesome murder

ONGWEDIVA – An elderly teacher at a school near Ongwediva was arrested on Friday for the gruesome murder of her disabled daughter.

She allegedly murdered her disabled 26-year-old daughter and thereafter burnt the body in a barbeque stand behind her house. “There is a barbeque stand behind the house where the lady is alleged to have burnt her daughter’s body,” related a neighbour. “I don’t think that there were even bones collected from the fire.  From a distance, the only thing I think I saw were the remains of a charred skull,” related the traumatized neighbour.  

The suspect allegedly murdered and burnt her daughter’s body a day before Mother’s Day at their home in Ongwediva.  The mother of three had been living with her deceased daughter and her first born son at their home in Ongwediva, while her last born only visits home occasionally or during school holidays. 

It is alleged that the suspect sent her two boys away to the village before she committed the murder. It is further alleged that the suspect burnt her daughter’s body together with other equipment from her house such as the TV, a microwave, as well as a DSTV dish.

“We did not suspect anything, until a pastor from the Four Square church came to her house, but we did also not know that something of that nature had happened, because we did not hear the content of their conversation,” said another neighbour.

The neighbour further revealed that the suspect refused the pastor entrance to her house and spoke to her through the window.  “After some time a police van arrived at their house and we also became suspicious and moved closer to see what was happening,” related the neighbour.

According to the neighbours, the suspect also spoke to the police through the window and refused to allow them entry into her yard.

The police eventually had to force entry into the home.

Some neighbours described the suspect’s behaviour as strange and said she she did not show any remorse when she was arrested. “Maybe she is mentally disturbed. She was laughing when the police arrested her. According to the neighbours a blood-stained panga was found in the house.

By Nuusita Ashipala