
Teachers Exercise: Study the Teacher’s Bible

Home Youth Corner Teachers Exercise: Study the Teacher’s Bible

The state and standard of the Namibian education has many contributors. One main and immediate contributor is the teacher, and the other one is the student. These Teachers Exercises intend to add value to and change the paradigm of teaching. This is written for those teachers, who really care about their learners…because some teachers just do not care.

With this exercise, number 6, I am advising you, dear teacher, to read and re-read the other previous five exercises. You will not change your way of teaching over night. That is unrealistic and it is witchcraft. It takes time and determination, but I guarantee those that are serious that once the principles behind the exercises have sunk in, the results of your learner/students will improve.

Today’s exercise concentrates on the National Curriculum for Basic Education (2010) and for the next 100 years, we shall refer to it as THE TEACHER’S BIBLE. This golden document has already graduated from the term “a must read”. Let us create a new terminology right here: the Teacher’s Bible is a MUST STUDY for all teachers! Those, who usually take their time when it comes to understanding, will surely want to know the difference between “reading” and “studying”. In very simple and kind words, I can read something without understanding anything. Only when I study what I read will I truly grasp the essence of something. To summarise it all, studying is reading and thinking at the same time. It sounds complicated, but I know people who can actually do that.

Why do I say the Teacher’s Bible is a must study? Chapter 1, verse 2 of that document answers: “The purpose of this curriculum is to provide a coherent and concise framework in order to ensure that there is consistency in the delivery of the curriculum in schools and classrooms throughout the country.” How then, can there be consistency if only one out of 10 teachers actually read the document? How can the curriculum be delivered properly, if that one person at least reads it, but does not study it? The Teacher’s Bible must enter the hearts and minds of all teachers teaching in Namibia! Only then will it have the desired impact.

Get yourself a copy of The Teacher’s Bible. Study one paragraph per day. It will only take you five minutes, but those five minutes will help you to Harambee and participate in shaping the knowledge-based society envisioned by our leaders/elders.

Shapumba ya Shapumba is the founder of Natural Learning Education Consultancy. He teaches how 2 obtain A+ in any subject (students) and the secret to extraordinary teaching (teachers). For booking: shapumbashapumba@yahoo.com or 0812786925