
Teachers need to be rewarded fairly

Home Education Teachers need to be rewarded fairly

OMUTHIYA – Prime Minister Hage Geingob wants teachers to be rewarded fairly for their services, saying teachers have the most critical role to play in ensuring that future generations receive the appropriate educational nurturing that would provide the basis for success in later life.

Geingob was speaking at a teachers’ conference in the Omuthiya circuit on Friday. He also told teachers that they need to become more adept at introducing new skills and to empower children, including how to combine traditional methods with modern knowledge. “Therefore the role that teachers play in the development of the society as a whole should not be underestimated,” he said, adding that for teachers to focus on fulfilling their roles, they must take pride in their profession and display professionalism at all times both in and out of the classroom. “The behaviour of our teachers should be exemplary in order to restore the status and prestige the teaching profession used to enjoy during our time as teachers,” he said. He also said teachers should not forget that the eyes of society are on them, and their interactions with learners should be the type of interaction that brings pride to the nation and not shame.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Education David Namwandi said the government has never sat back to watch the difficult circumstances in which many teachers find themselves, and is committed to doing something about that, including the improvement of the salaries of teachers across the board and paying them well and consistently on time. Namwandi said government woulld provide resources that allow teachers to carry out their duties well, such as teachers’ manuals.

“The government has been consistent in providing teachers with housing, including 190 houses to be built in the 2013/2014 financial year,” Namwandi said. According to him the government is committed to introducing a reward system for teachers.

By Loide Jason