
Teacher’s threat case withdrawn

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Teacher’s threat case withdrawn

ONGWEDIVA – The Outapi Magistrate’s Court has withdrawn a case of a male teacher, who was arrested for allegedly threatening to kill his female school principal.

Michael Mukupi (41), a teacher at Tjihozu Combined School in the Omusati region, told New Era yesterday that his case has been withdrawn because his principal, Lusia Shipiki, failed to provide clear evidence.

Mukupi confirmed that he was refunded the N$1 500 he paid after he was granted bail when he appeared in court earlier this year. 

After being granted bail, he went back to school to continue his duty. 

Mukupi added he does not have any problem with Shipiki, as they forgave one another.

“We have peace at school. I have changed my attitude. I respect her as my manager at school,” he said.

Mukupi was arrested in January this year after his school principal, Shipiki, opened a case against him.

According to Omusati police spokesperson Anna Kunga, Mukupi allegedly threatened to kill Shipiki, insulted her and called her a corrupt principal. 

– fhamalwa@nepc.com.na