
Team Namibia enters Fishrot fray… calls for decisive action to tackle corruption

Home National Team Namibia enters Fishrot fray… calls for decisive action to tackle corruption

WINDHOEK – Team Namibia this week added its voice to the unfolding international fishing massive kickback scandal implicating Namibian politicians and local business people. In a statement, Team Namibia called for decisive action in dealing with corruption. 

“A recessionary environment, corruption scandals, acute election fever, followed by post-election uncertainty, have a direct impact on business. In an uncertain environment businesses find it hard to thrive, or indeed to survive. Not only are small businesses affected but also the larger corporations and all those dependent on a successful business community,” reads the statement. 

Team Namibia added that corruption was not only undermining efforts to secure sustainable economic development, but it was also counterproductive to other national efforts, including poverty eradication and ensuring prosperity for all Namibians. 

“Even though all citizens are affected, the poor are bearing the brunt even more. Stealing of national wealth and resources and squandering of taxpayers’ money, and therefore limited access to effective services for Namibians, undermines every effort to maintain and secure a peaceful and prosperous future for all.”  

Team Namibia further called for greater transparency in government, that public decisions be based on fairness and accountability as well as placing a huge premium on adhering to systems, processes and institutions. “Every effort should be made by our leadership to ensure that legal processes are sped up. Investigations need to take place to determine if and where individuals, networks or organisations for illicit gains have manipulated systems. 

“The Anti-Corruption Commission must be effectively resourced immediately to speed up all investigations, independently, also in order to address possible negative perceptions of our government and our country, domestically and internationally, to rebuild trust and instil confidence,” the organisation said. 

Pieter van Niekerk, chairperson of Team Namibia added: “We need to ask ourselves do we want to be a prosperous nation? High level of uncertainty has a direct impact on consumer spending and business investment. It is critical that immediate and concerted action is taken to resolve some of these issues. We simply cannot just be bystanders and observe the current developments, we have a responsibility to our children to leave them a nation we can be proud of.”