
Team Namibia Making Progress

Home Archived Team Namibia Making Progress

By Emma Kakololo WINDHOEK Team Namibia, a joint venture involving Government and the private sector whose aim is to promote value addition in industries in the country, has expressed satisfaction with its achievements since its establishment on 31 March 2004. Over the past two years, the organisation, according to its chairman Tarah Shaanika, succeeded to grow and build capacity to add value to its members and the Namibian economy in general through its services. This year, the organisation plans to have countrywide marketing campaigns. “We have said before that we would be concentrating our promotional efforts on the domestic market and until we are fully accepted domestically, it may prove unwise to market ourselves in foreign markets,” Shaanika stated. He said the campaign was specifically aimed at convincing and making the Namibian public buy into the concept of Team Namibia as well as ensure a wider buy in the private sector and unless this happened, the relevance of Team Namibia’s efforts should be seriously questioned. “Team Namibia continues to carry out a very aggressive membership recruitment drive aimed at attracting more private sector players into Team Namibia. It is important that we canvas greater support for Team Namibia. The private sector and enterprises from all business fields are encouraged to become members of Team Namibia and be able to participate in our activities.” He said benefits were numerous. They range from effective product differentiation by Team Namibia, major mass media campaigns, exposure on website product lists, access to Team Namibia’s market research and data base, marketing support and assistance for using the trademark, and access and referral to organisations and services which could help improve quality and competitiveness of products or services, to name a few. So far, the organisation has a membership of 106. Yesterday, Air Namibia and Insight Magazine were amongst 14 new members that received their certificates.