
Team Namibia seeks new logo

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WINDHOEK – Team Namibia wants the public to select a new logo, and is calling on all Namibians to be part of the decision for its new corporate identity.

Team Namibia is giving the public the power to vote for its new icon that best represents the Namibian spirit during the period October 01 to 12, 2013. Voters can enter the competition on Team Namibia’s Facebook page or sms ‘LOGO A’ or ‘LOGO B’ to 5001, and stand a chance to win a bank account with FNB worth N$3 000; a shopping voucher from Pick n Pay Namibia worth N$3 000 or a mobile handset to the value of N$3 000 from TN Mobile (powered by Telecom Namibia). Although voting is open to all ages, the campaign is aimed at the younger generation, as they have the power to change consumer behaviour towards supporting local products and services to secure a sustainable future for Namibia.

“Members of Team Namibia believe change comes from taking action, so we want to give young people the opportunity to take action and tap into their sense of national pride. If we can get the younger generation to believe in Team Namibia and give them the opportunity to vote, they can bring about change through pressure on their parents, their peers and the country,” Team Namibias chairperson Tarah Shaanika said. The two logos have been developed by The Jupiter Drawing Room/O&L Advertising in Namibia. Their brief was to develop a new logo for Team Namibia that will appeal to consumers on an emotional and rational level, and create a strong identity for Team Namibia. The new corporate logo will feature on packaging, retail outlets, advertising and social media once it is officially launched.

Nicky Schermer, Managing Director of The Jupiter Drawing Room, commented: “We wanted to create standout and differentiate Team Namibia within a cluttered landscape through a simple, iconic design that is strongly rooted in the organisation’s positioning.” Reflecting on the two designs, Shermer explained: “Logo A celebrates the shape of Namibia built up in layers representing our famous desert, dunes and contrasting landscapes. In this way, it symbolizes building, growth and working together, because without all the parts, Namibia wouldn’t be complete. On the other hand, Logo B is inspired by our sun, an icon on our flag and a source of light and energy in Namibia. The various dots show the vast group of Team Namibia members and the great energy that is created when they come together. This gives the logo an energetic feel and symbolizes movement and optimism towards a bright future,” she concluded.

“After nearly a decade, we feel that it is time to update the current logo not only to appeal to consumers, but to represent an endorsement that stands for locally-made, quality products and services that add economic value to Namibia. Our strategy is to gain a sustainable competitive advantage for Namibian products and services, supported by a campaign to mobilise consumers towards buying local and drive the promotion of local products and services,” Lizette Foot, the General Manager of Team Namibia said. “In a recent Team Namibia survey, consumers indicated an openness towards supporting local products and services, but disclosed that it is important to make them aware of which products are Namibian so that they can make an informed choice. With our new icon supported by a national awareness campaign, we hope to refresh the minds of all Namibians and sensitise them to look out for Namibian products and services,” she noted.


By Staff Reporter