Teaming up to tackle mental health … Central Hospital to get facelift

Home Health Teaming up to tackle mental health … Central Hospital to get facelift
Teaming up to tackle mental health  … Central Hospital to get facelift

The Diamond Association of Namibia (Diaman) donated to the Windhoek Central Hospital for the renovation and modernisation of its mental health unit, and to address critical needs within the unit.

The donation includes furniture, sanitary items, chairs, medical equipment and mattresses valued at N$132 000, marking phase one of the Diaman Corporate Social Investment Project.

“They represent our collective efforts to provide better care, support, and resources for those facing mental health challenges. This hospital has been a beacon of hope for many, offering essential services to those in need,” Nikki Itheta, representing Diaman, said.

The gesture aims to ensure that patients receive care in a safe, modern and therapeutic environment. Itheta added that with this aid, they would like to
further enhance the quality of care and support provided. 

“Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked and stigmatised. Every individual has the right to mental healthcare, and we must support this cause in any way we can,” she said. The donation was realised because of the ministerial assessment that was conducted by the hospital staff and identified areas that may need financial and technical support.

Deputy health minister Utjiua Muinjangue said in the second phase of the Diaman Corporate Social Investment Project, they will extend their bequest towards carrying out maintenance works such as painting, window repairs and the welding of security gates, valued at N$150 000. “Diaman will further renovate the acute patients’ room, the reception area at Ward C, repair outside toilets and other related plumbing works, and revamp the Forensic Ward valued at another
N$500 000,” Muinjangue shared.

She indicated that this is an investment in the healthcare system of Namibia, and their (Diaman) return will be realised through doing business with healthier employees and healthier business partners, and thus securing a sustainable healthier business environment.

Diaman is a member-based organisation with representatives from the diamond- cutting and polishing factories. The aim of the organisation is to make a positive contribution towards social initiatives through charity and donations and , to cement the role of private sector participation to fill the gaps where support is required. Diaman is an association of 13 diamond conglomerates.