
Teek ‘Forced’ Girls to Drink – Court Hears

Home Archived Teek ‘Forced’ Girls to Drink – Court Hears

By Kuvee Kangueehi WINDHOEK Two minor girls who are involved in the case of former Supreme Court Judge Pio Teek yesterday for the first time gave evidence in the High Court. The two young girls, aged ten and eleven, took the stand before South African Judge Ronnie Bosielo and gave a first-hand account of what allegedly happened on the night of 28 January 2005 from the time Teek picked them up until the former judge dropped them the next day after their spending the night at his residence. Although the evidence from the two girls was slightly different, their allegations which are seen as crucial to the outcome of the case were similar in many respects. The older witness who was more composed during her testimony said that Teek picked them up in the vicinity of Single Quarters in Katutura after enquiring where their elder sisters were. She said Teek picked the two of them and gave a N$1 to their friend not to go and report to their parents where they had gone. “After I got into the car, I wanted to get off but the car was locked as Teek started driving. When we drove past the police station, he said we should hide and after we drove past, he said we should get drunk.” The older girl further said that Teek on their way to his residence started touching her thighs as she sat on the front seat. She said after they arrived at Teek’s residence, which is some 25 kilometers north of Windhoek, he showed them around his home, first the toilet and then the bedroom. “When we got into the living room, he put on a blue movie and he started watching.” The eleven-year-old girl who is now a Grade 5 pupil, further said that Teek went to fetch beer from the fridge and “forced” them to drink before offering them brandy as well. She said Teek afterwards told them to go swim and watched them as they swam in their panties. “After I finished swimming, he called me and put his index finger in my private parts, which was very painful.” The two girls who were giving their evidence in camera told the court that after swimming, they went to sleep in the bedroom of the then judge. She said when he tried to kiss one of them, they went to sleep on the couch in the living room. “He asked us one by one to come sleep with him but we refused and he watched the blue movie naked while we slept until the next morning.’ She further testified that the next morning Teek told them he would not take them back because they refused to sleep with him but he later decided to take them home. The evidence of the two girls only differed in some details such as how many beers and what type of beer Teek offered them. The court case which resumed on Monday after almost two months of recess is set to continue this morning at 10’clock. The two girls will face cross-examination by Teek’s defence which is led by Richard Metcalfe. Yesterday one of the young witnesses started crying and lost her composure under cross-examination by the defence.