
Teenager arraigned for robbery

Home Crime and Courts Teenager arraigned for robbery

By Roland Routh

WINDHOEK – An 18-year-old made a first appearance in court yesterday for robbery.

It is alleged that Daniel Job held up Ana Semedo with a gun on Friday June 06 in Windhoek West and robbed her of an iPhone worth N$2 000. Magistrate Ingrid Unengu explained to Job his right to legal representation and the accused indicated he would apply for legal aid.

State prosecutor Nasilele Siyambango objected to bail as two suspects are still at large and the State fears that Job might interfere with the police investigation.

The State’s application was granted and Job was informed that he may lodge a formal bail application.

The matter was postponed to July 31 for further investigation and and Job remains in custody at the Windhoek Police Station.
