Ten lose their lives over weekend

Home Crime and Courts Ten lose their lives over weekend


Suicide, murder, drowning and electrification were some of the incidents and causes of death that were recorded by the police over the weekend, in which 10 people lost their lives.

According to the police, 22-year-old Tresia Likukeni Angula, a resident of Onanjamba village died at the hands of her ex-boyfriend. Angula was allegedly stabbed multiple times in the chest with an unknown object by an ex-boyfriend.
What prompted the suspect to commit such a gruesome act on December 9 is not yet known, as the suspect is yet to be brought to book.

Police Inspector Pendukeni Haikali said a similar incident occurred at Eendjokwa village, Onesi, where a pensioner was stabbed to death by an unknown suspect.

Imungwa Nivelo Itembu was stabbed four times with a knife. Haikali said the suspect in this case has been apprehended.

Other incidents that were reported include the case a five-year old pushed into the water by his seven-year-old brother, resulting in the death of the toddler. The police reported that Johannes Onesmus Linekela Tangi Junior drowned at Oshihau village after his mentally impaired brother pushed him.

A similar incident occurred at Okapya village on December 6, where a 10-year-old girl drowned. It is alleged Albertina Ndishasewange was trying to drink water from the dam when she slipped and fell in.

Inspector Haikali also shed light on two rape cases that were reported, whereby a woman was raped by her boyfriend’s cousin at Tutaleni village. It is alleged the victim and the suspect were left alone in the house when the suspect forced himself on the victim.

According to the police, the victim’s boyfriend reported the incident to the police. Haikali added that a 15-year-old girl was assaulted and sexually violated by an unknown suspect.

It is alleged that the victim was on her way home from a shebeen at Oshukwa Omatunyi village.
Investigations into the reported cases are said to be ongoing.