
Terrorism under the spotlight in Windhoek

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WINDHOEK – Namibian intelligence and police agencies and heads of various state owned enterprises, among others, are currently meeting in Windhoek to evaluate the best practices to combat growing international terrorism.

The African Center for the Study and Research on Terrorism  (ACSRT) is facilitating the conference.

Head of the ACSRT delegation, Ambassador Francisco Madeira said the ACSRT, which falls under the African Union, provides expertise on all issues associated with the prevention and combating of terrorism in Africa. He said the meeting aims to establish Namibia’s level of implementation of the AU 2002 Plan of Action towards combatting terrorism.

“The mission also would like to know Namibia’s capacity to put into practice the commitments made under this plan and ascertain the level of internal collaboration and synchronization in the prevention and combating of terrorism, regarding the existing resources, and concerning the difficulties and challenges faced,” said Madeira.

“In essence, everything that will permit us to draw up constructive recommendations intended at improving the existing counter-terrorism measures, mechanisms and available assets,” he added.

“We will particularly pay attention to anti-terrorism legislation and measures taken to combat terrorism financing, to the level of cooperation between the services and bodies in charge of fighting terrorism, border control management services and look at the level of sub-regional and international cooperation,” said Madeira.

“We will formulate recommendations to the Namibian Government on measures aimed at improving the implementation of the commitments made in the framework of the 2002 Plan of Action,” said the ambassador.

A report will be prepared for the Namibian authorities on the outcomes of the meeting.

Giving some background on the ACSRT, Madeira said it assists member states to completely implement international and continental conventions in the fight against terrorism.

The ACSRT also works towards strengthening of  member states’ capacities to deal with terrorism. It acts in collaboration with regional and national organisations to analyze appropriate information on terrorism, and share it with stakeholders, within the framework of a collective counterterrorism response.

By Fifi Rhodes