
Thanking the Music Audience

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By John Walenga Who can still doubt the power of Namibia’s music? The pulse has become ever faster and mesmerizing. The airwaves are sizzling with the fast- stomping sounds from across Namibia. Our musicians have come of age and can hold their own against any on the continent and elsewhere. The Omalaeti sponsored show held on 4th August 2006 at Kwasa-Kwasa Greenwell Matongo, Katutura was a real gas. The show just went to prove what we at Omalaeti have always believed: Namibian musicians only need to be properly promoted and given a platform to express their inherent talents. Then you have a musical volcano. Our musicians were a marvelous lot on that day. The large number of revelers from a cross-section of Namibia’s sons and daughters told a story that needed telling: Unity! Namibia’s cultural values and social commentary are better expressed in song and dance. Omalaeti is proud of the musical maturity and professionalism of Namibia’s varied musical talents. Omalaeti are over the top to have facilitated such a big musical undertaking for the first time for the people – in the very heart of Katutura. The wonderful people of Katutura have since called for more such shows. Be assured that Omalaeti have plans to stage many such shows not only in Katutura but other areas and the rest of the country. Mounting such a show calls for massive logistics and dedicated cooperation from many people and organizations. The Namibian media are partners in development. Their massive show of support for Namibian music is unsurpassed. To the revelers who came in droves, we valued your patronage. We shall be with you all the way. And to the good people of Katutura? A wonderful reservoir of talent and support. You are the heart and pulse of Windhoek. Our co-sponsors and host, the management and staff of Kwasa-Kwasa also did a marvelous job. To all Windhoekers, we’ll always bend backwards to please you. Just a word of caution, such shows are meant to be for entertainment and not battlegrounds for up-coming street thugs or failed boxers. To the wonderful crowd again, thank you.