The Power of Metaphysical Healing

Home Archived The Power of Metaphysical Healing

Let there be light in your life, says a young metaphysical healer. New Era went on a spiritual journey to find out what this all entails.

By Catherine Sasman


“We are qualified in the field of metaphysics, and we will guide you to becoming alive! To awaken to the changes in and around you … Our aim is to bring you closer to your divine nature, to help you explore the reason for your disease and so to help you heal yourself and love yourself.”

This is the promise made by an unassuming-looking 25-year-old Meirav Hartmann-Olsen, and her partner, 55-year-old Hans Koller who started the ‘Let There Be Light Consulting’ to help people realize their full potential.

Hartmann-Olsen stands at the heart of the business for her clairvoyance and her ability to ‘channel’ higher spiritual beings.

“My age is my biggest problem,” acknowledged Hartmann-Olsen. “Many people do not believe that I can do this, that I cannot possibly have the knowledge that I have.”

What people do not understand, she says, is that she merely acts as a medium through which messages and healings come from a higher spiritual realm.

“I was born this way. It took me a few years to realize that not everyone is able to make contact with the spiritual realm. It came as a shock to me that all people are not like me. As a child, I felt different purely because I liked nature and horses. I liked reading and writing. But it was as if there was an expectation that all teenagers drink, do drugs and have unprotected sex. I was never interested in that,” says Hartmann-Olsen.

Her parents, however, never quite came to accept her ability to do spiritual healing.

“They still think it is crap,” she says flatly.

She first became aware of the fact that she could do metaphysical healing as a teenager when she healed a horse after having identified a blockage in the energy of the animal.

“I have been riding horses my whole life. As a clairvoyant, I could see a blockage of the energy in the horse. I touched the area; the energy started to equalize, and the horse just simply moved away,” says Hartmann-Olsen. “If I put my hand on someone, the person will become very warm. This is energy transmitted to that person.”

The couple started with the business towards the end of last year.

“So many people asked us to start doing this; they said we cannot do what we do and keep it in our circle of friends. So we decided to offer our services to the public.”

They specialize in channelling, making contact with angels and spirit guides, do past-life regressions, crystal therapy, transition aid, Reiki and energy healing, acupressure, auric and chakra balancing, guided meditations, equine and pet healing, as well as art and language classes.

Metaphysical healing, says Hartmann-Olsen, is a type of healing that works on all levels of being: it works on the body, mind and spirit.

“Metaphysical healing aims at addressing the root cause of any disease – to take away all emotional blocks, to deal with all diseases in the body.

Everything is created in the mind before it manifests in the body. Illness is often caused when people are very angry, live unhealthily, or when they have been very traumatized. This sort of healing is a spiritual thing that actually explains how life is. It is returning to a balanced self.”

It Is a Blending of All
Religions …

It is, she says, how the body, mind and soul work together to produce what we are and what our end results will be.

It also is a blending of all religions, all New Age thought, all science and all quantum physics. “Because everything is linked together.”

New Age is a term commonly used to describe a broad movement of the late 20th century and contemporary Western culture that is characterized by an eclectic and individual approach to spiritual exploration. It draws its inspiration from all major religions and influences from spiritualism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Sufism, Taoism, and Neo-Paganism.

New Age practices and beliefs may be characterized as alternative spirituality or alternative religion.

Spiritual healing can heal everything, says Hartmann-Olsen. It can cure cancer, or HIV/AIDS, infertility – “I have had cancer, but that is all gone now,” and “I was told that I will never be able to have a baby, but I am pregnant with my second child,” she says.

Awareness can bring about instant healing, they say. It was reportedly proven that it takes about two minutes and forty seven seconds for a cancerous tumour to disappear.

“We must absolutely emphasize that we do not, under any circumstances, work with anything that is not from God, from the light, from love,” insists Hartmann-Olsen. “We do not channel any demons or anything evil. I am not in any way involved in Satanism or black magic. I abhor it; it is not right, and I have nothing to do with it. I only work with God and beings of the light that do not harm anyone; they cannot harm you.”

What she does in any session is to read a person’s aura, and take it from there.

“I will tell you whatever I see. Perhaps you have broken your toe, fell off a horse and injured your back, or your mother screamed at you when you were five years old and you are still traumatized by it. Everything that is happening – or has happened – to us, is stored in our body cells and in our aura.”

Often much of the information from the aura is from past incidences not remembered by the client, but itis still relevant.

“I will write these down and then let my soul leave my body to let a guardian angel enter my body. They will speak with the client. They have much more knowledge than I have and they will be able to answer more questions than I can. Questions will be answered, or healing will take place.”

Putting it to the Test

New Era decided to put this sort of healing to the test by going for a channelling session with Hartmann-Olsen and Koller.

Before the session starts, clients are asked to sign a disclaimer which in broad terms reads: “Healing is the art of and science of assisting the restoration of health at all levels of a person, irrespective of where ill-health is manifested. In accordance with the law, we have to advise you that the advice given to you by a healer may differ from the theories and practices of the medical profession … The channelling provided is always by beings from the light (i.e. angels) and never under any circumstances by any beings which are not directly from God and the light.

We, the healers, do not accept any responsibility for what is being said during a channelling session or done during healing, as this is done at clients’ request (with the purest intention of bringing a loving, healing light and love energy to the client that never intends any harm to the client in any way),” and so on.

Often, says Koller, who is on stand-by during the channelling sessions, the channelled spirits may say things that clients do not like. “We do not intend to insult anyone, but we do not know what the spirit guides will tell the clients. ”

Often also, he says, the channelling sessions are overwhelmingly emotional, and many people are not able to deal with what the spirit guides tell them.
With that explained and out of the way, Hartmann-Olsen first does an aural scan.

“There is an energy stagnation in your toes; there is a problem with your right ankle. The aura around that area is very blocked.”

Confirmed. The ankle was sprained two months ago.

“You do not have any serious terminal disease such as cancer or HIV/AIDS.”
“No, I do not.”

“I am not asking you. I am telling you.”


And then follows the chakra reading with a metal device
The body has seven chakras, or wheels, stacked in a column of energy that spans from the base of the spine to the top of the head. These are considered to be a nexus of metaphysical or biophysical energy of the human body.

“Your chakras are out of whack. But we will do a reading again after the healing session.”


She Is Gone when Channelling Starts
The channelling follows. “Goodbye,” waves Hartmann-Olsen before closing her eyes. Before long her head falls slowly to the side – and then she is gone.

Koller assisting her says it is as if she has gone into a deep sleep. “All people’s souls leave when they go to sleep. Our souls return to us again when we awake.”

A spirit guide re-emerges when Hartmann-Olsen opens her eyes. The demeanor of Hartmann-Olsen’s body is different. It feels as if someone else has entered the room.

The guide stares for a long time at the surroundings, as if slowly scanning the new environment, reorienting itself. It looks at the body it now occupies, seems openly surprised at the contours of the body, touches things lying in its vicinity, and says: “It feels so constricting to be in a body; this is an interesting point of perspective.”

And then there is a significant moment of recognition, and a respectful greeting with two hands folded in front of the face.

The question and answer session begins with the spirit guide who, very softly and with great kindness, understanding and patience, responds.

“I have absolutely no recollection of what happens during a channelling session,” says Hartmann-Olsen when she ‘returns’. “My soul completely leaves my body, and it is as if I am in a state of a deep sleep.”

Koller at this stage fills her in on what transpired during the channelling.

“Every time I speak to a guardian angel, I have the overwhelming feeling that these guides and beings have a tremendous amount of respect for us human beings; they would sit at our feet and wash our feet. They refer to us as human angels because we have chosen to be separated from God. They are at one with God and they live in peace and harmony, while we have chosen to be reincarnated to life. We are here on earth [or ‘gaya’ according to the spirit guide] to learn things and express things. It is much more difficult here on earth than it is not having a body and not to be with God.”

Once we have learnt what we came to earth for, we usually die; the life plan we have chosen for ourselves is lived.

“Each of us has a destiny that we have chosen ourselves before we came to this life,” says Koller.

Healing is done during channelling. Hartmann-Olsen also allows for messages from loved ones who have passed over, does past life regressions, and clears away demonic presences.

Demonic possession, she says, often happens not because they engage in satanic rituals, but because they are vulnerable and open to negative energies due to past traumas. Curses and spells also can bring about demonic possession. Demonic spirits, she says, live off people’s fears. Once people understand that, these evil spirits cannot harm you.”

All they want to do, says the couple, is to empower people to become free.

“People need to understand that they do not have to suffer even if the most horrible and atrocious thing has happened to them in the past. That does not have to have a grip on their lives. People can be free, happy, joyous, healthy and wealthy. They can live rich and abundant lives.”