The world remembers Geingob

Home National The world remembers Geingob

The world continues to mourn the untimely passing of president Hage Geingob and as every second passes, heads of state and institutions around the world continue to extend their heartfelt condolences to former first lady Monica Geingos, the children and the Namibian nation at large.


President Paul Kagame


My deepest condolences to my sister Monica Geingos, the entire family and the people of Namibia for the passing of my brother and friend president Hage Geingob. His leadership through Namibia’s liberation struggle, his tireless work in service of his people, and his commitment to a united Africa will all
be remembered for generations to come.


António Guterres

UN Secretary-General

The Secretary-General is deeply saddened by the passing of Hage Gottfried Geingob, president of the Republic of Namibia. Geingob was a respected and principled statesman, who dedicated his life to serving and developing his country. A prominent anti-apartheid activist and pioneer of
Africa’s green energy transformation, he became the first Prime Minister of Namibia in 1990. The SG sends his condolences to Geingob’s family, and to the government
and people of Namibia.


President João Lourenço


Africa has lost a worthy son and freedom fighter who knew how to dedicate himself to the cause of rescuing the dignity of the African people, self-determination, independence and sovereignty of the countries of the
African continent.

I recall the energetic, determined and
vigorous way in which president Geingob approached sensitive topics, whether those relating to the internal life of his country, or those relating to Africa as a whole.

We have lost a unique figure in the contemporary history of the Namibian people, who leaves a void that is difficult to fill as it is not easy to replace a man with his moral strength, with his integrity, and with the iron will that characterised him to project Africa for a future of development and well-being for its people.


President Vladimir Putin


Please, accept my deep condolences on the death of the President of the Republic of Namibia, Hage Geingob. I had the opportunity to meet this wonderful man, and I will
forever preserve the bright memory of him.

It is also difficult to overestimate his personal contribution to the development of friendly relations between Namibia and Russia.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi


India joins the people of Namibia as the nation mourns the passing away of Hage Geingob. Both houses of parliament expressed condolences on the passing away of President Geingob. A dear friend of India, his contribution to a deeper India-Namibia and India-Africa relationship will always be remembered.


President Joe Biden


Jill and I offer our deepest condolences to First Lady Monica Geingos and the rest of the Namibian people on the loss of President Hage Geingob. President Geingob was a fearless leader, fighting for independence, overseeing the drafting of the new nation’s constitution, and serving his country twice as prime minister and finally as president. He was an eloquent advocate for his country and continent, who stood up for his values and beliefs. We will continue to build on his legacy, strengthening our partnerships and shared vision for deeper mutual support.

Throughout his life, he maintained close ties to the United States and the American people. From studying at Temple University in Philadelphia and at both Fordham University and The New School in New York, President Geingob believed in the enduring ties
between the people of our two great nations. I will miss working with him. 

We look forward to continuing to strengthen our relationship with Namibia, honouring President Geingob’s legacy and vision for his country and people.


Winnie Byanyima

Executive director: UNAIDS

I am deeply saddened by the news of the passing of President Hage Geingob, a leader I admired, and whose guidance I benefitted from. My heart goes out to his family, especially Monica. President Geingob was a pivotal leader in advancing the AIDS response both in Namibia & globally. The entire UNAIDS family extends our deepest sympathies to his family, friends and the people of Namibia. President Hage Geingob will continue to inspire all of us.