
Thieves raid Indonesian Embassy

Home Crime and Courts Thieves raid Indonesian Embassy

WINDHOEK – Thieves broke into the Indonesian Embassy in Klein Windhoek last week Thursday and made off with laptops, new cellphones, a video camera, precious metals and cash.

According to the Head of Chancery, Rieza Maulana, a review of the surveillance camera footage showed that at midnight at around 00:30 the burglars climbed over the side gate and electric fence to enter the yard of the embassy, which is situated in Nelson Mandela Avenue. They then went to the guard post and tied up the guards.

“They forced entry into the building by cutting the burglar bars. Once inside, they disarmed the alarm, turned off the CCTV, forced open not less than six rooms and stole valuables,” explained Maulana.

“Around 03:30 the tied security guards managed to escape and phoned the G4S headquarters,” he added.

He said the police also responded quickly to the embassy’s call, adding that “the embassy appreciates the quick response and cooperation of Nampol”.

By Kuzeeko Tjitemisa
