
Thoughts on gender-based violence

Home Opinions Thoughts on gender-based violence

ALLOW me space in your esteemed newspaper to post some of the reflections on the passion killing and crimes against gender violence.

Socrates (469 BC – 399 BC) was one of the first Greek philosophers who stated that a self-aware person will act completely within his capabilities to his pinnacle, while an ignorant person will flounder and encounter difficulty. According to Socrates, a person must become aware of every fact (and its context) relevant to his existence, if he wishes to attain self-knowledge. Evil or bad actions are the result of ignorance.

The truly wise man will know what is right, do what is good, and therefore be happy.

Man should not simply live, but live well with conduct governed by moderate virtue. Virtue denotes doing the right thing, to the right person, at the right time, to the proper extent, in the correct fashion, for the right reason.

The “unconquerable will” is central to wrong-doing. Allowing yourself to disturb the mental equilibrium of another person is in essence offering yourself in slavery.

When a government of any kind enforces policies that are oppressive for its people, the people become more vulnerable to these policies, because they do not have other ways of defending themselves against these laws. As a result, they become violent because they are psychologically tortured on a daily basis.

The very principle of the Bible states that: “A Wife shall submit to her husband and the Husband shall love his Wife.” This principle has been seriously misinterpreted. This does not say wives are now slaves, but that they should respect their husbands and that the husbands should care for their wives.

Where a woman stays together at the home of the boyfriend or a man stays together with a girlfriend at the home of a woman, there are serious implications there, because there are investments in terms of financial, moral, material and dignity, etc. If this relationship should come to an end, the one who is affected between the two when it comes to so-called investment will retaliate by violence. A man or a woman who spends thousands of dollars in a relationship will not remain idle when the relationship tears apart. There are many hopes, beliefs, faiths, etc. that are invested in this relationship.

Some men or women have paid for their partners’ education, food, clothing, provided daily transport and accommodation for a very long time in an understanding that one day they would join in matrimony.

Some have even invested in children to cement the relationship and only to learn that there is no more relationship, just that. They become bitter and would not hesitate to end their lives or one of them ends the other one’s life and then ends his and the innocent child’s one.

Poverty which is an African gown continues to haunt Africa. If for example a student attending any tertiary institution does not have support for funding her/his education, she/he might find a partner who is employed or a businessman or businesswoman who would subsidise the studies for a period longer than four years until the day of graduation. Once she graduates she will dump such a person and this will cause the affected person to act violently.

No one would expect losing love via ‘just being dumped’ without explanation. Separation, divorces and dumping come at a time when only one single partner has decided to leave the other without any formal or informal discussion about separation, divorce or being dumped.

Love when broken is irreparable, heart-breaking, hurting, devastating and comes with acute emotions and excruciating pains that result in stressful conditions in one’s life for a very long time.

It is damaging to such an extent that it is totally uncontained.

When one decides to break up the marriage, convincing reasons should be provided to the other partner, which situation has never received open arms. No one wants to accept separation or divorce if you were still in love. It is advisable that when you choose a partner for marriage, it should be stated clearly from the beginning that this would end in marriage or the other way round and as a lady or woman, do not accept giving birth to a child where there is uncertainty. You should also break up immediately if you discover that a man is just not trying to go for the wedding bells. This man must also be exposed to both parents and relatives or friends that he is the target of your life as husband. If he continues to disagree on the marriage, it is because you have allowed him more space to mess your life up and then move on with another one.

The joy of every parent is to see his or her daughter or son married in good faith, terms and conditions and that these stay longer in marriages. When in marriage, the golden rule is: “wives submit to your husbands and husbands love your wives”. This rule not broken will see you riding all the storms of life until another golden rule “until death do us part” falls on you.

When a government engages in trying to arrest people and solve these problems; more prosecutors, lawyers, magistrates, judges, ombudsman, yje Attorney General’s Office, should be fully staffed, and all district courts should be adequately staffed