
Threatening  teacher out on bail 

Home National Threatening  teacher out on bail 
Threatening   teacher out on bail 

ONGWEDIVA – Micheal Mukupi, who was arrested after a series of threats against his principal, has been granted bail of N$1 500 through his private lawyer.

His case has been postponed to 27 March for further police investigation.

Mukupi confirmed to this publication he started work last Wednesday.

Mukupi (41), a teacher at Tjihozu Combined School in the Omusati region, was arrested in January after his principal opened a case against him for allegedly threatening to kill her.  He also called his senior a witch, corrupt and stupid.

He is charged with assault through threatening and defamation of character.

It is alleged that since 2018, Mukupi had an issue with the principal after she allegedly got involved in corrupt practices at school.

According to the recent report, the principal had always wanted Mukupi to out of the school. Speaking to New Era, Mukupi narrated that he is not happy that he does not have peace with his principal at school.

“I will apologise to her. Peace is very important in the workplace. It’s not good when colleagues don’t have peace at work,” he lamented.

Mukupi also said he is not going to move from the school because he bought land and built his house near the school.

“When I resumed duty, the principal instructed me to have a shack classroom. She also gave me non-promotional subjects, which I am not happy with,” he added.

The principal, Lusia Shipiki, said she is disappointed by the court on how the matter was handled. “I wasn’t informed that
Mukupi is coming to school. I just saw him at school in the staff room. I was shocked to see him,” Shipiki stated.

“I feel unsafe at this school. I don’t have peace whenever I see Mukupi. I know he is capable of doing something to me,” she lamented and said she will leave the school for her safety. – fhamalwa@nepc.com.na