
Tigers no-show leaves NPL in a pinch

Home Sports Tigers no-show leaves NPL in a pinch

It looks like some people in position of authority have devised a way of avoiding commitment towards particular courses of action and whenever they are cornered to provide tangible answers to tricky questions about what they would do in some hypothetical situation and the consequences thereof – they respond in weird fashion.

It’s now a well documented secret that reigning Namibian football champions Tigers Football Club expressed a desire to have their opening matches postponed, at least for the time being – citing improper planning from the league authorities.

Please don’t tell me just because the majority of the 16-team league – bar Tigers – were prepared to compete under whatsoever circumstances and conditions, it should be taken that Tigers’ request should be dismissed forthwith.

Not that I’m in full agreement with what ‘Ingwe’ did for not honouring their scheduled league assignments (fixtures), but alas, due process should be allowed to take its course.

The MTC Premiership through its long serving chief administrator, Tovey Hoebeb, issued results where teams scheduled to play against Tigers were given walkovers.

Seriously, at this level yours truly thought we have long passed the era of points being awarded on the green table in boardrooms at the mercy of trigger-happy football administrators.
A football match is a contest between two teams, with the team scoring the most number of goals declared the winner, period.

The NPL has already shot themselves in the foot by awarding points to Tigers’ opponents Citizens and Unam FC. Tigers now have a very strong case entering their plea and explanation for their no-show.

The fact that the league has already pronounced itself in the form a verdict and issued a log table conforming their stance – what fairness can Tigers expect from a disciplinary process if one is found guilty before the hearing? I’m just wondering.

Compliance with basic rules governing their togetherness has been a major challenge for football administrators, and unless these issues are addressed and dealt with once and for all, our football will remain a big joke and a much sought-after delicacy for stray dogs.

Of course, any football club deemed to have violated rules and laws governing the beautiful game of football must be prosecuted, but we are living in a democratic era where the rule of law reigns supreme.

Needles to remind those who care to listen that Tigers must first be charged for having brought the game of football into disrepute, hauled before a competent disciplinary hearing and given an opportunity to state their case.

It should also be noted that one is normally presumed innocent until they have been charged and found guilty, before sanction can be meted out.

Footy administrators must be careful not to open themselves to unnecessary criticism. Yours truly, for one, would caution the NPL – in the absence of a recognised legal structure – to handle this matter with utmost care and sensitivity.

Yours truly is very much against the awarding of points on the green table, because such practice is likely to disadvantage other teams in the long term.

In conclusion, my humble advice is, should Tigers be found guilty of misconduct – hit them where it hurts the most, in the pocket, reschedule the matches, and let them compensate their opponents for losses accrued.
I rest my case.


Caption: Carlos new pic –