
Timothy Davie Duwe: A tribute to Phura

Home Lifestyle Timothy Davie Duwe: A tribute to Phura

 Dr Elijah Ngurare

It was with shock and dismay that I learned about the passing of Timothy Davie Duwe, commonly known as Phura. I always referred to him as King Phura because of his revolutionary character in the Namibian music industry. King Phura was born in 1980, and therefore lived through apartheid colonialism as a child and became an adult in a free and independent Namibia.

He went through life with vigour, hard work and commitment. He was a loving father, brother, son, breadwinner, role model and brave patriot of this land. In short, he was a true freedom fighter of our generation until his earthly demise in the early hours of 25th of April 2019 at the Swakopmund State Hospital, after a long illness. 

To his parents, children and the entire bereaved family, on this difficult and irreplaceable loss of your loved one, words are not adequate to quantify our sorrow over your loss.

There is no tear heavier than that of a mother and father that lost their loved son or daughter. There is no pain more severe than that felt by a family that has lost a breadwinner. There is no void more severe than that felt by children orphaned by the loss of a beloved father or mother. In all, bereavement is a painful chapter. May God console and comfort you all.

I first met the late King Phura in 2008. I recall the progressive militancy, hard work and patriotic commitment that he displayed at all times. He impressed me with his loyalty and volunteerism to Swapo Party and to Namibia. He agreed to join our quintessential mobilisation strategy of Politainment during the 2009 Presidential and National Assembly Elections. 
He travelled long and wide with Ndilimani Cultural Troupe to spread the gospel of Swapo Party to all corners; to all people, black and white, young and old, urban and rural, to speakers of every other language. The late King Phura was a nationalist and a Pan-Africanist, a trait he patriotically exhibited through his music. After a decisive victory was recorded for Swapo Party and its presidential candidate, the newly-elected President Hifikepunye Pohamba personally met with all artists, including King Phura, to thank them.

In 2014 when the opportunity as part of the Africa China Young Leaders Forum initiatives came by, we sent King Phura as a cultural ambassador, accompanying other young people on a tour of the People’s Republic of China. King Phura mesmerised the Chinese audience with his unique musical talent and leaving them begging for more in every town and province they travelled to. The flag of Namibian music left a legacy in China, thanks to artists like King Phura and others.
The late King Phura leaves behind a legacy of hard work, bravery, dedication and uncompromising spirit that pursued the ideals of solidarity, freedom and justice, without fail. We have lost a patriot, we have lost a cadre, we have lost a mentor, we have lost an all-round hero of our generation. We shall forever remember you King Phura. In you, King Phura, we have lost a brother and a comrade of impeccable commitment and patriotism.

As Phura departs to his final resting place in Khorixas this weekend, we know he has fought a good fight and he has finished his earthly race. We have lost a soldier and martyr of our generation. We pray that the bereaved family, friends and comrades should find comfort and consolation in the goodness of the memories about his life. We pray that you guard the footprints he has left in your respective lives. He left these footsteps for others to follow until we meet him again in the eternal life of God Almighty.

It is for us the living to live and learn from the late King Phura. Let us support one another while alive, let us unite more as artists and as patriots. Let us not be far from the family of the late King Phura. He has left children who need guidance and support. The legacy of King Phura must be a Namibian music industry that is united and that is thriving. It must be a legacy of true One Namibia One Nation.

On behalf of my family and on behalf of our generation, I extend our deepest sympathy to his bereaved parents, his bereaved children, his bereaved siblings, and to his entire bereaved family.

May the Soul of late Timothy Davie Duwe Phura Rest In Eternal Peace.