
Trade fair drives up car rentals

Home National Trade fair drives up car rentals
Trade fair drives up  car rentals

ONGWEDIVA – The managing director of People’s Network Car Rental company Tangi Sheekuli is excited about the support he is getting from people booking cars for the Ongwediva Annual Trade Fair.

Sheekuli (24) said most of their clients are hiring cars to travel to the trade fair.

“Right now, both the head office branch in Windhoek and the branch
in Ongwediva have their cars completely booked out. This is our first time getting all the 17 automobiles booked out at once for the trade fair,” he added excitedly.

Sheekuli said the demand for cars forced them to source more cars because the demand is high, more than what they can provide.

“This is benefiting our business at large because we are generating exposure and making profits. Most of the people who are renting our cars for the trade fair are people who have stalls at the trade fair, which is another advantage for the business because the customers have to stay with the vehicles for a lot of days. This is also building a good network of clients because these are the people who are likely to return for the service again,” he stated.

On behalf of the People’s Network Car Rental company, Sheekuli gave a shout-out to everybody marketing
and supporting their business. 

“If it was not for referrals from different people and also using different ways of marketing, then we could have not gotten this massive support at once.”
