
Train Crash Still Under Investigation

Home Archived Train Crash Still Under Investigation

By Mungu Mutimani


The case of the TransNamib train crash that happened in the vicinity of Heroes Acre on August 29 2007 is still under investigation.

The train was carrying 500 tonnes of ballast – rocks used for building railway lines. Its driver Sydney Bessel Coetzee (37) died in the crash while the assistant train driver at the time George Sankandi survived the accident with multiple skull fractures, six broken ribs and a shattered collarbone, which cost him around N$300 000 in medical bills.

At the time, it was said faulty brakes on the 40-year-old locomotive caused the accident. The same locomotive engine was involved in an accident previously.

Ras Esterhuyse, the manager of training and operations, says the case is still under investigation as the company is still awaiting the outcome of the investigation from Phillip Ellis, the chairman of the investigations.

He said they couldn’t say what caused the accident until the outcome of the investigation is finalized.

The investigation will ascertain at what speed the runaway train was travelling and whether the accident was due to human error or a mechanical problem.
The train was travelling from the south to Windhoek when the accident happened.