
Train victim surprised with electric bike

Home National Train victim surprised with electric bike

Walvis Bay

A humble gesture by the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Juliet Kavetuna, brought great joy to 15-year-old Benita Johannes, a Grade 10 learner who lost her limbs in a train accident in Walvis Bay.

Johannes was hit by a train on June 21 2013 while crossing the railway tracks to visit relatives in town. She had her left arm and leg amputated and also lost her right foot.
Johannes against all odds recovered after spending some months in hospital and had to adjust to being dependent on others to move around or carry out simple daily tasks, also at Duinesig Secondary School where she is a pupil.

With the aspiration to become a doctor Johannes decided not to let the tragedy put her life on hold and immediately went back to school. She is now an inspiration for her teachers and fellow learners although she relies on them for her mobility as her wheelchair limits her freedom of movement.
However last week Thursday Kavetuna surprised Johannes with an electric bike that will enable her to go to school on her own and also improve her mobility at school.
Kavetuna said she was impressed by Johannes after seeing her speak on national television last year.

She added that Johannes’ story touched her so much that she wanted to assist her, especially that she still wants to become a doctor.
“However it was election time and we were campaigning and after the elections it was the appointment of parliamentarians. After the political activities settled down and the new parliamentarians were sworn in, I went around and asked donations from them to buy Johannes a wheelchair. The money was not enough and my good friend Sackey Shangala asked why I needed the money. After two days I received a call from Shangala who informed me that it was sorted and they needed the address to deliver the bike, but I also wanted to be present to meet the brave young girl,” Kavetuna said.

She added that she managed to raise N$2 500 which was handed to Johannes’ sisters to buy electricity as the bike needs be charged.

“Now I want to appeal to all Namibians to assist Johannes and her sisters with electricity as she will not be able to move if the bike is not charged. I couldn’t wait until the school starts to hand over the bike as I wanted her to get accustomed it and be ready when school (second term) starts. I am pledging my undying support to her,” added Kavetuna.

Johannes could not hide her joy and expressed her gratitude to Kavetuna. “I got my freedom back. Thank you so much. This is one of the happiest days of my life – I previously I had to rely on my sisters and friends to push me around. But now I can move around on my own. This is just the kind of freedom I need to make life easier for me,” she said.