
Trainee artisan dies in hit-and-run

Home Crime and Courts Trainee artisan dies in hit-and-run

RUNDU – The police in Kavango West are looking for information on a driver who bumped and killed a man and then drove away from the scene of the acccident.

The police say the driver failed to render assistance to the injured person who was still alive after being run over. The accident happened in the wee hours on Saturday at around 02h30 at Bunya village, Kavango West Region.

The deceased who succumbed to his injuries was identified as Kayambuka Johannes Kudumo, a 27-year-old trainee at Rundu Vocational Training Centre (RVTC). 

“An unknown driver of an unknown vehicle drove from west to east (from Nkurenkuru towards the direction of Rundu) on the B10 road; when he/she reached at Bunya village he/she bumped a pedestrian and the pedestrian died on the spot; the driver drove away from the accident  scene,” said the Kavango West crime investigations coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Rudolf Mbumba who confirmed the incident to New Era.

According to the police the driver or the type of car is still unknown.

“Investigations to establish the culprit are still underway; so far no one has come forth with information that could assist us but we are urging people to do so in order to know who ran over this deceased victim, or the culprit to report himself to the nearest police station because he or she may have panicked,” Mbumba noted.