
Training needed for new curriculum

Home Education Training needed for new curriculum

By Albertina Nakale

WINDHOEK – The Teachers’ Union of Namibia (TUN) is hopeful that before the implementation of the new curriculum at primary level the implementers such as teachers would be thoroughly trained and well prepared.

In line with the National Conference on Education,  Cabinet at its meeting on March 11 approved the basic education curriculum review.

“As a union we cannot anymore take the situation where teachers will be thrown in at the deep end. If things don’t go well, everyone turns their fingers, eyes and emotions towards teachers, while teachers were not given the right ammunition to deal with the situation,” said TUN president Mahongora Kavihuha.

He added: “That is why we hope and demand that every teacher should be properly oriented towards the new curriculum.”  TUN also welcomed government’s announcement to offer free secondary education from 2016.

The curriculum of the junior primary phase will consist of mother tongue instruction from pre-primary to Grade 5, English, mother tongue or predominant local language, mathematics, environmental studies, arts, physical education, and religious and moral education. The ministry will implement the revised curriculum of the junior primary phase in 2015, followed by the senior primary phase in 2016.

As from 2017 the implementation of the revised curriculum will take place per secondary grade. The year of implementation will start with Grade 8 in 2017, followed by Grade 9 in 2018 and Grade 10 will be implemented in 2019.

Meanwhile, Grade 11 will be implemented in 2020, while Grade 12 will be realised in 2021 followed by Grade 13 (A Level) in 2022.

The cost of the implementation of the new curriculum will be budgeted for over a seven-year period.

Earlier the Minister of Education, Dr David Namwandi, announced that about N$21.7 million has already been budgeted for 2015/16. The amount will cover in-service training for teachers, procurement of new textbooks and appointment of additional teachers, procurement of hand tools and equipment for pre-vocational subjects as well as construction of workrooms for specialised subject areas.
