
Tribute – Farewell to a fearless problem-solver

Tribute – Farewell to a fearless problem-solver

Fransina Ndateelela Kahungu

On Sunday, 14 July, Namibians awakened to the devastating and sad news about the passing of comrade Katrina ‘Mutti’ Hanse-Himarwa, a God-fearing person and strong believer in God’s power.

It is appropriate to first thank God for giving us this precious gift in the name of Katrina. I praise nature for allowing Katrina to observe and exploit her gifts until she became an educator.

This is equally the best time to express gratitude towards her parents, guardians and the whole community of the southern part of Namibia for moulding and raising an exemplary and hard-working daughter, sister, mother, wife and grandparent for the Namibian nation.

Allow me to express my condolences to all close relatives, family members, the big family of the Swapo Party and all those in mourning due to the passing of comrade Katrina Hanse-Himarwa.

While paying tribute to her, it is befitting to highlight some of her characteristics, such as being a fearless woman. She was a problem-solver.

Madam Hanse-Himarwa was an honest and straightforward person, who was always ready to say what she thought was right. Permit me to mention that these characteristics of comrade Katrina earned her not only friends, but a crop of enemies too.

However, situations being as they may be, she remained a nation-builder. I recall our last conversation over the phone on 9 June 2024 when we talked for more than 20 minutes. Throughout our discussion, she showed the spirit of nation-building. 

Let us celebrate the life of comrade Hanse-Himarwa, who was one of the people who spoke and actively stood for the truth.

Her thoughts were always clear, and always presented in a convincing manner. 

I am narrating an enabler, who made things happen. 

You can hate or love her. The choice has always been yours.

The good upbringing of comrade Hanse-Himarwa has been displayed in her actions. I, therefore, appreciate all who contributed to the well-mannered character of the late comrade.

She was an educator in all her actions, a woman who made it a point to always show that women have equal capacities and abilities as men. 

This, she has shown in many ways when she made contributions to various activities within Swapo structures. 

I must mention that her presentable appearance might make you feel small if you do not have an average level of self-esteem. 

The above characteristics made comrade Katrina popular among her comrades, resulting in her being a trusted, loyal and favourite person.

I remember vividly that in 2016, during the seventh Swapo Party Women’s Council congress at Keetmanshoop in the
//Kharas region, she made valuable contributions to the congress deliberations. 

One such example was when congress deliberated issues of organisational good governance in financial-related matters, which resulted in the following resolution.

“All SPWC financial statements shall be audited by qualified financial auditors.”

I knew comrade Katrina as a fast thinker and strategist.

She could direct proceedings even if she is not an official director of proceedings.

This was always done in such a way that she contributed to the agenda points. She was a good listener, and that made her contributions valid and valuable.

Swapo has been an excellent organisation to work for, as it has quality, good calibre and go-getter personalities, such as that of comrade Hanse-Himarwa.

She not only served Swapo at the local authority level, but also served the whole ladder of leadership up to the central committee and the political bureau of the party.

The same can be said for government structures, where she served as an ordinary teacher, head of department, head of the institution, regional councillor, governor and minister of education. 

In all the above-mentioned positions, she served with pleasure, honour and to the best of her ability.

As we bid farewell to Ousie Mutti Katrina, the good things she contributed to this country shall serve as her legacy, and they shall forever remain in our hearts.

Comrade Katrina, go and pass on our greetings to his excellency Dr Hage Godfried Geingob and many comrades over there. 

We thank you for the good things you have done for this country.

To all of us left behind on planet Earth, may the peace of the Lord be with us as we accept and manage the difficult time we are in.