
Tsjaka residents want NDP6 to address their plight

Home National Tsjaka residents want NDP6 to address their plight
Tsjaka residents want NDP6 to address their plight

TSJAKA – Tsjaka residents in the Kalahari constituency of the Omaheke region on Tuesday raised concerns about the lack of water and access to health facilities in their settlement, among other problems. The residents, during a consultative meeting with the National Planning Commission (NPC) on the sixth National Development Plan (NDP6), said they also face challenges of poor water infrastructure, noting that although government has drilled boreholes in their area, the boreholes are dry.

Other concerns raised are the lack of enough land for farmers around the settlement, the issue of rural electrification, and the lack of proper and efficient infrastructure at the local school such as classrooms and teacher accommodation.

The residents at the same time expressed gratitude to the government, saying that although there were challenges in their settlement, the government has done a lot for them over the years.

“The government recently brought agricultural equipment for farmers and built dry toilets for elders. They also tarred a road from Gobabis to Aminuis, which has reduced accidents on the road,” they said.

The community however expressed hope that they will get a tarred road for the nine-kilometre stretch to their settlement as was stipulated last year by the Roads Authority.

Chief Andrew Mongwaketsi Kgosiemang of the Batswana Ba Namibia said although Tsjaka faces a lot of challenges, like other settlements, his traditional authority and other relevant authorities in the region are trying to bring about change for their people. “I am so glad that the planning commission has reached out to the community and came to listen to our issues and challenges. I am appealing to our government to assist us with boreholes,” Kgosiemang said.

The chief national development advisor responsible for regional development, Itha Ndjarakana, said the aim of the consultation is to get input from the communities, introduce the developmental plan and document constituencies’ challenges and opportunities.

“This is a very important exercise that we must all be part of. Our developmental plans are part of regional, continental and international developmental goals,” she said. The consultation forms part of NPC’s engagement with the 121 constituencies in the country to solicit information necessary for the drafting of NDP6.
