
Tucna ponders low-cost housing scheme

Home Development Tucna ponders low-cost housing scheme

By Eveline de Klerk

WALVIS BAY  – The Trade Union Congress of Namibia (Tucna) will  formulate a technical committee to address the need for affordable housing, especially for those who earn low salaries and do not get any housing allowance. 

This was said by the president of Tucna, Paulus Hango, during the opening of the weeklong training of shop stewards from various companies at the town.

Hango said the housing allowance is a basic need but not within reach of all employees, as a result many of them find themselves squatting in shacks that are prone to fire.  

“The living conditions of some of our workers while creating wealth for others is one of the many aspects that need to be addressed by union representatives,” he said.

Hango said the workshop that is being attended by  at least 30 shop stewards seeks to make sure they are equipped with the necessary skills to represent workers.

“It is necessary to train shop stewards as it is not only about presenting workers’ rights at workplaces but also to look at the bigger picture.  This training will provide shop stewards also with the necessary skills to deal with general issues such as the lack of housing,” he said.

He noted the training also aims at equipping workers with a better understanding of the Labour Act, company policies, negotiation skills, grievance procedures, matters of health and safety, personal development, as well as observing situations at work and solving them without sometimes involving the union.

 “Shop stewards will be trained on how to deal with other important aspects such as pension bargaining, pension trustee preparations of workers, among others.  This will again strengthen the bargaining power of workers and their union and will also help prevent unnecessary confrontation at the workplace,” he said.