
TV Editor Threatened

Home Archived TV Editor Threatened

By Emma Kakololo


The State broadcaster’s Menesia Muinjo who is the Editor for Television News has allegedly received a death threat from Gavert Tjirume, an intern from the University of Namibia (Unam).

The media student, whose six-month internship with the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) was supposed to expire at the end of next month, apparently sent a text message to the corporation’s Director-General, Bob Kandetu, last week saying that he was going to kill Muinjo for blocking him from securing a permanent position with the corporation.

The alleged threat was sent on Thursday evening.

Tjirume was allegedly promised a position by the Director General, an allegation that Kandetu dismissed when approached for comment yesterday.

“What I can tell you is that Gavert Tjirume sent a death threat to Menesia Muinjo via my cellphone. He sent the message saying that he believed that Menesia is blocking his appointment with NBC and that he was going to kill the person who is doing this and commit suicide,” Kandetu said.

“I don’t know about any position promised to him and I know I never promised him any position.”

Kandetu said due to the nature of the threat and to protect Muinjo, the police have been informed.

“We also took steps to remove him by terminating his contract and we have alerted our security officers to prohibit him from entering our premises.”

When approached for comment yesterday, both Muinjo and Tjirume refused to comment, saying the corporation’s Chief Labour Relations Officer, Nathan Kapofi, was dealing with the matter.

Tjirume said: “I cannot talk about this. The matter is with Kapofi. He told me not to say anything or do anything.”

Kapofi could not be reached for comment by the time of going to press yesterday.