
Tweya laments poor service

Home Education Tweya laments poor service

By Kuzeeko Tjitemisa

WINDHOEK – The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Tjekero Tweya, has joined the growing chorus of those dissatisfied with poor customer service in the country.

“Namibia is known for its beautiful scenery but it is an open secret that Namibia has pathetic customer service,” said the deputy minister.

He suggested that perhaps the reason for the “pathetic customer service” was because Namibians are too peaceful and would rather absorb the humiliation as customers rather than fight for their rights as consumers.

He spoke about the issue when he addressed the Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School of Business (HP-GSB) at the Polytechnic of Namibia yesterday when the first ever Namibian Customer Service Award Conference, scheduled for November, was announced.

The event was attended by CEOs, business leaders, delegates and guests from customer-oriented backgrounds and businesses.

Tweya congratulated the Polytechnic of Namibia for taking the lead in creating a dialogue on customer service issues.

He noted that businesses lack basic honesty and respect for the people they are supposed to serve.

“Why must a client come to you, why, why?” he asked.

The minister also blamed a lack of leadership for poor customer service.

“Sometimes you get to shops and you want to talk to the manager but the manager will be too busy to talk to you but they won’t be too busy to take your money,” he said sarcastically.

He said customer service can be a source of employment creation because it can “make a business grow”.

Polytechnic of Namibia Rector, Professor Tjama Tjivikua, said excellent customer service is at the heart of excellent basic service delivery, therefore there was an urgent need to create dialogue on the issue.

 “There is a need for transformation,” said Tjivikua who added:  “Transformation cannot start on the streets but in companies.”

He said the Polytechnic is honoured to serve the nation in consulting and community services. 

The planned November conference will focus on themes related to customer care and aim to stimulate discussions on the importance of excellent customer service, raise awareness about the opportunities and benefits that a culture of excellent customer service could bring to Namibia and to initiate a customer service movement.
