
Tweya survives another accident

Home National Tweya survives another accident

OMUTHIYA – Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Minister Tjekero Tweya survived yet another accident in December when the official vehicle he was driving rammed into a donkey.
The donkey allegedly jumped on the road, leading to the accident.

A case of reckless and negligent driving was opened against Tweya, who escaped with no injuries.
The accident happened at 23h00 on December, 24, at Oniipugulu village of Onyaanya area, some 32 kilometres from Ondangwa. According to the police crime report in Oshikoto, it is alleged that the minister, who was alone in his official vehicle, was travelling to Okatope from Ondangwa.

“The minister went to drop off his driver at Oshakati and was on the way back to Okatope. The vehicle got damaged on the left front bumper, and the trip authority is issued on the driver’s name,” said Oshikoto Regional Crime Investigation Coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Naomi Katjiua.

In October last year, Tweya was involved in another accident from which he escaped unhurt when his private car, a Land Cruiser, overturned some 35 kilometres to Grootfontein. 

He was travelling from Rundu at the time, according to reports. Also in 2007, when he was still deputy minister of finance, his car was involved in a head-on collision between Grootfontein and Kombat. 

In an unrelated motor accident, a case of culpable homicide was opened against a 38-year driver, Fillepus Mwashindange when he hit a pedestrian who was crossing the road at Onamulunga village, Oniipa and died on the spot. The deceased was identified as Akser Johannes (22) from Okanenge village, Oniipa area.
Next of kin informed.