
Two denied bail in Katji-na-katji murder

Home Crime and Courts Two denied bail in Katji-na-katji murder

RUNDU – Two men accused in the murder of Muronga Petrus Hafeni, 32, were denied bail when they made their routine first court appearance in the Rundu Magistrate’s Court yesterday. They were denied bail due to the seriousness of the charge against them.

The two men, Johannes Andreas Kandjimi, 19, and Daniel Mandjoro Kalimbwe, 23, were arrested after they allegedly assaulted and stabbed Hafeni to death in the wee hours of last Friday – at around 03h32 – at Katjinakatji village of Kavango West Region.

It is alleged that they attacked and stabbed him with an Okapi knife twice and they also hit the deceased with an empty bottle on the head. The victim died a few meters from the incident scene.

The accused men appeared on a count of murder each. Magistrate Hellen Olaiya presided, while public prosecutor Variety Matamata represented the state. 

The case was postponed to June 3, allowing the accused to apply for Legal Aid representation and for further police investigations.