Two people arrested with contraband in Zambezi

Home Front Page News Two people arrested with contraband in Zambezi
Two people arrested with contraband in Zambezi

Marythar Kambinda


Katima MuliloTwo people are in custody in the Zambezi region after the police intercepted contraband with a street value of over N$140 000 during a routine search at the Kongola checkpoint last week.

The suspects were returning from Zambia on their way to the coastal towns, and are aged 27 and 37, respectively. They are employed by a local trucking company.

Zambezi regional police commander Andreas Silelo said the drivers did not have any document or permit to transport such items into the country.

“In order to transport such items into the country, one needs to have a permit. Unfortunately for them, they found themselves at this roadblock without any documents. The driver who transported the items said he was just transporting it to a recipient,” he added.

Shilelo stated that because of an increase in the community travelling from the Zambezi region to other parts of the country, the checkpoint is a necessity in order to ensure safety within the country.

A package consisting of wooden crafts was intercepted coming from Zambia through this border. Shilelo stated
that they were unaware as to whether the items went through gazetted entry points. 

Three undocumented water pumps were also seized at the same checkpoint after they were not declared at customs.

Shilelo said during routine searches at the checkpoint on
the same day, the police confiscated monofilament nets, which are prohibited for conducting fishing in Namibia.

He thus cautioned those travelling to provide proof, and be in possession of a permit allowing them to transport such items. 

“We have a strong team
from various security clusters, who are always at the checkpoint working together,” he warned.

* Marythar Kambinda is an information officer for the MICT in the Zambezi region.