
UDF jumps on BIG bandwagon … promises free education up to PhD

UDF jumps on BIG bandwagon … promises free education up to PhD

USAKOS – The United Democratic Front wants to lobby for free education, a basic income grant for the unemployed, and improved decentralisation of services.

The party over the weekend at a mini campaign held in Usakos stated that they want to be part of change in the country, mainly focussing on social democracy and land delivery. 

The party is also pushing for the equal distribution of fishing quotas. 

To achieve this, UDF said, fishing quotas should be allocated to regional councils, as opposed to a select few individuals. 

Addressing members of the party, UDF president Hendrik Gaobaeb said if elected into power, they will ensure that each person is allocated one plot. 

He elaborated on the party’s commitment
to social democracy highlighting the significant role of education play in this regard. 

“We are preaching for social democracy and to give Namibians free education from pre-primary to PhD level. Education is the only tool to address poverty and inequality in Namibia. Therefore, the party is committed to providing free education at all levels,” he asserted.

The UDF’s vision extends beyond education to include basic social welfare. 

“We are advocating for a basic grant of N$500 per month for the unemployed. Additionally, we believe in the provision of free water and electricity, as these are basic needs,” Gaobaeb added.

The party also emphasised the need for decentralisation, proposing that fishing quotas and other resources be allocated to regional and local authorities, rather than well-connected individuals. 

Gaobaeb doubles as the Kunene
Regional Council chairperson. 

“Decentralisation without fiscal decentralisation is meaningless. Resources must be directed to regional councils and other local governments,” he said.

Gaobaeb also called for an end to nepotism, and merit-based

“We are striving for regional representation. If UDF takes over, we will ensure regional representation in Parliament, so every regional citizen is represented in the National Council,” he declared.

On the day, Daniel Tsaneb, the party’s secretary general, highlighted the party’s commitment to have a presence in all regions.

“We have set up branches in all 14 regions of the country to advocate that UDF is a national party, and not just a regional or ethnic group. We aim to win no less than 10 seats in parliament,” he said.
