
Uejaa keeps shooting her shot

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Uejaa keeps shooting her shot

Strauss Lunyangwe  

After a good seven years off radio, Uejaa Kazondunge is back on air. The media personality recently re-joined Energy 100 FM to host the smooth jams slot on Sundays from 16h00 to 18h00. 

“Yes, I did miss it because radio remains my first love. Despite the rise in social media and the emergence of the digital age, radio still remains one of the most powerful communication tools of the 21st century, and I’m glad to lend my voice on the platform,” she told VIBEZ! on enquiry recently. 

Well-known as just Uejaa, this sought-after MC and television presenter started her radio career at KCR (Base FM) as a volunteer on the breakfast show, and later moved to Unam Radio for a short period. 

“I then joined Energy from 2007 to 2010, did the breakfast show and Sunday show. Then I went to 99 FM from 2012 to 2016. They say shoot your shot and that’s exactly what I did. I believe even when companies are not hiring, keep knocking. If the door is meant to open for you, it will.  Working hard and building a trustworthy brand also helps when you shoot your shot,” said the eloquent voice-over artist.  Now the training and marketing officer at the Retirement Funds Institute of Namibia, Uejaa said she has been evolving and “moving in God’s grace”. 

“They say change is the only constant thing in this life, and there have been many changes in my life which have led me to reset and refocus my planned plans. 

Professionally, I’m in a new industry – the retirement industry, which I am learning and loving. Privately, I’m healing and learning to trust God more, while fitness remains a very important part of my life, and family remaining my first ministry.”  

After hours and weekends, this go-getter and trendsetter offers coaching on presentation and public speaking. 

“Self-development is big on my end, so furthering my studies – possibly doing my masters in communication or MBA. 

I held my first presentation Masterclass with Standard Bank Namibia in 2021, and we are looking to hosting more classes. So, stay tuned to the socials.”  

The talkative Uejaa shared some words of wisdom to those aspiring to walk in her shoes: “Refuse to accept limitations in your life that are based on someone else’s experience. Know that we are here to make a difference in other people’s lives. Our showing up encourages somebody else to do the same. We all have an assignment in this lifetime, so we must do our part. Remain prayerful, be joyful, kind, humble, compassionate and do everything from a place of love”.

 – slunyangwe@nepc.com.na