Uirab remains optimistic about football prospects…new committee widely welcomed

Home National Uirab remains optimistic about football prospects…new committee widely welcomed
Uirab remains optimistic about football prospects…new committee widely welcomed

Chairman of the newly-appointed Fifa normalisation committee for the beleaguered Namibia Football Association (NFA), Bisey Uirab yesterday said they will waste little time in putting shoulder to wheel in their new assignment, saying their first meeting as a committee is already set for Monday.

Approached by New Era Sport yesterday to share his outlook on the new task at hand, Uirab said it was still early for them as a committee to provide a comprehensive blueprint for the troubled NFA and Namibian football general, but assured that the coming days and months will be exciting.

“As much as I would have loved to share our plans with you, unfortunately, it is still early days and we still have to catch up as a committee. I can, however, share with you that our first meeting is scheduled for Monday [4 April], and that is when we will discuss most of the things, and also get a proper understanding of what we are actually dealing with as a committee. But we are excited to have been given this task by Fifa, and I’m positive the coming weeks and months will be exciting for all,” he said. 

Uirab will be deputised by Afra Schimming-Chase, while Willy Mertens, Esmeralda Katjaerua and Dina Shituula will serve as the additional members of the new committee.

The new Fifa normalisation committee, which will be the second of its kind for Namibian football in less than four years, replaces the expelled Ranga Haikali-led executive committee that comprised Nettie Cloete, Ingy Hainghumbi, Peter Ndjulu, Ferdinand Hausiku, Shali Amakali and Earnest Joy as well as Kenneth Goaseb. 

Local football commentator and sports consultant, Olsen Kahiriri yesterday welcomed the appointment of the new committee, saying it is indicative that Fifa finally realised that Namibian football is heavily divided and was headed for the doldrums.

“I welcome the new normalisation committee; it’s a bold decision taken by Fifa. When we petitioned Fifa a few months ago, amongst the many issues, we pointed out that the current secretary general was the centre of all infightings at Football House, and we also said Fifa must conduct a forensic audit into the books of the NFA. I’m happy Fifa has taken that stance and now understands our crisis much better. I don’t want to comment too much on the members appointed to the new committee. All I can say is let’s all support them during this difficult assignment. I’m positive they will harmonise our football,” said an optimistic Kahiriri.

He advised the new committee to make amendments to the NFA constitution and its various statutes, as well as set up a properly constituted Dispute Resolution Chamber and Appeals Committee, as well as Players’ Status Committee. 

“Those bodies are very crucial in the smooth running of football. We must learn from our past mistakes so that we never repeat them again. I remain optimistic that with the new committee, we shall overcome most challenges in about 12 months or so. The new committee is fully empowered to do its work, so let’s work to get our football started.”

– ohembapu@nepc.com.na