
Unam fashion show a kaleidoscope of creations

Home Time Out Unam fashion show a kaleidoscope of creations

WINDHOEK– The University of Namibia (Unam)’s visual arts students annual fashion once again proved a kaleidoscope of different creations.

Fist years students showcased their garments under the theme ‘body adornment- garments made from recycled material’, second years ‘Africa wearable art’, third years ‘hunger garmes-origami, cocktail and evening wear’ while the fourth year students displayed ‘Jo-Mare Kisting- luxuriouse collars, Innocentia Gaoes- modern damara ame’.

Some of the collections that were showcased were ready to wear as well as very experimental purely for just letting creativity flow.  The garments included shirts, skirts, pants, suits, cocktail dresses, evening dresses as well as accessories.

According to the Assistant Lecturer of Visual Arts Performing and Visual Arts at Unam Maria Caley, the Visual and Performing arts department has successfully hosted the Unam student fashion show which has been one of their highlighted events for the year.  “It is at this platform where we celebrate the success stories from the department as well as open up to the public to show case what the students are capable of. This event has grown from great strength, and has proved to attract crowds from all corners of the city,” says Maria adding that the show select only the best works of the year from the students. She adds, fashion show such as this, students get to show what they have produced during the year. “It is a very crucial and exciting moment as the students get to meet and mingle with people from the creative industries. The works that showcased are of the students from first year to final year of 2014 and that of a guest designer Marcellinus Swartbooi. Unam’s Visual Arts Department showcases, at this yearly event, the visual results of an intense and challenging academic year incorporating diverse curriculum and outreach activities. Results of a very high calibre garments were once achieved this year, including a dynamic range of fashion accessories and garments.

According to the Assistant Lecturer in the Visual and Performing Arts Department at Unam, Maria Caley, says the department has successfully been hosting the fashion show, which has been one of its yearly highlights.  “It is at this platform where we celebrate the success stories from the department as well as open up to the public to showcase what the students are capable of. The event has grown from great strength, and has proved to attract crowds from all corners of the city,” says Caley adding that the show select only the best works of the year from the students. She says at a fashion show such as this, students get to show what they have produced during the year. “It is a very crucial and exciting moment as the students get to meet and mingle with people from the creative industries. Marcellinus Swartbooi was the guest designer who showcased her designs.

By Pinehas Nakaziko