
Unam suspends  director over sexual harassment claims

Home National Unam suspends  director over sexual harassment claims
Unam suspends   director over sexual harassment claims

Albertina Nakale

A director at the University of Namibia has been accused of making sexual advances “on numerous occasions” and promised promotions to women who report directly to him.

Director for strategic and institutional planning Kennedy Mbangu was suspended for allegedly sexually harassing female colleagues.

The university’s spokesperson John Haufiku said, “We can confirm that the director was served with a suspension notice on 20 May 2022 due to a suspicion of violating Unam regulations.” 

Asked what the university means by “a suspicion of violating Unam regulations”, Haufiku said “unfortunately, we cannot provide any further clarity at this stage until a due process of investigation and a hearing has taken place.”

However, New Era contacted two of the complainants, who prefer anonymity, due to the seriousness and sensitivity of the matter, and they indicated it is an institutional issue, which they can’t comment on at the moment.

“I can confirm that he is my director. He hasn’t been at work for the past few weeks. I can’t comment on anything because it is an institutional issue. They are still investigating,” one complainant said.

Mbangu denied any knowledge of sexual harassment allegations levelled against him by three female co-workers.

“Those making those allegations should continue to tell you. I have not been charged by Unam on those allegations. I chose to remain silent. So, I have no comment. Rather contact Unam on those allegations,” he said when contacted for comment this week.

It is alleged that the director has at times “physically touched colleagues inappropriately” against their will. 

An insider privy to the case said Mbangu has used his position to make promotional “promises” to senior positions to some of the women in exchange for sexual favours.  “Mbangu is serving on the restructuring implementation committee. Restructuring implementation started in June 2021 with the aim of merging various directorates. It saw the closure of the regional centres in 2021 and merger of the various faculties. Mbangu has been a key figure in implementing the plan that saw many staff moved to new units. It is said he promised one of the candidates a deputy director position in his unit in exchange for sexual favours,” an insider said.

The working environment allegedly led to three female workers laying sexual harassment charges against Mbangu. 

The restructuring implementation committee chairperson Evaristus Evaristus yesterday was shocked to hear the news that Mbangu allegedly used his position of serving on the committee to solicit sexual favours for promising promotions.

“What you are talking is news to me. I am not in the full establishment of Unam so I wouldn’t really know what is happening. I am hearing it for the first time from you that he is suspended,” Evaristus reacted.

Unam director for human resources Reginald Isak did not answer his phone when contacted yesterday. 

– anakale@nepc.com.na