Somebody once said war is a situation where young men who do not know or hate each other kill each other, fighting for old men who know and hate each other, but do not kill each other.
This statement is not far from the truth because when it gets to the nitty-gritty, war is actually nothing but business.
The sad part is that millions of people, through different tools of deception, have been made to believe that war is necessary. All one has to do to justify unnecessary destruction and an immense loss of lives is have an ideology, or simply dehumanise someone, a group of people or a nation.
In recent times, even the meaning of words has been degraded from their sensible original meaning to justify hate and vilification of someone one ideologically or politically disagrees with.
In recent times, it has also got to the point where anyone who has nationalistic ideas and intends to prioritise the interests of their nation, is characterised as a dictator.
This is often an attempt to find a boogeyman, who war-mongers would then parade as evil, and the foundation of a narrative to persuade countrymen and women to believe that war is necessary.
Moreover, the saddest part, and one that many may be oblivious to, is the fact war-mongers who massively profit from these wars first rush to aggression before even giving peace a chance. They have reached great levels of psychopathy, to the level that their only concern is the bottom line and proceeds from weapons manufacturing companies because they or their families do not have to be on the frontline. Again, and sadly, we live in a world where the majority do not see the institutional mockery of true media and reporting. Since the world has become all about the Benjamins, not even true media or reporting have been spared the wrath of increasing financial net worth and the grip of the stock market.
It is sad to see reporters are no longer reporters, but rather propellers of narratives towards the causes of those who foot their bills. Just like in the previous world wars, the Western media has become nothing more than a propaganda machine.
Unfortunately, today, those who religiously relied on the news for information are subjecting themselves to what is clearly intentional deception to sway the masses into things they would rather never agree with if they knew the true intentions. Once again, humanity, which has made great leaps in many areas and has demonstrated its contrast from other species, is still grappling with not letting go of senseless killings of their own. This is simply because it’s all about the Benjamins, baby!
*Uncommon Sense is published bi-weekly in the New Era with contributions from Karlos Naimwhaka. YouTube channel: Karlos Lokos