
Uncommon sense – We shall rise and thrive

Home National Uncommon sense – We shall rise and thrive
Uncommon sense – We shall  rise and thrive

When you turn on the television or read a newspaper, it may seem as if it is all doom and gloom.  

It may seem as if this is the beginning of the end.  

Of course, to the prophets of doom and those who thrive on the misery of others and have made it their lifeline, it is a wish come true. 

Even though they seem to speak with concern, deep in their heart is a zeal for the worst to happen. 

The sad part is that they do this with ignorance and denial of the fact that every part of society is a pillar to itself – and when this pillar breaks, it falls with the rest of the whole.

 As history has been written and tales told, as humans, we have been in similar situations before. 

We have been there, done that. We have been to hell and back – and every time we come back, we are much stronger and wiser. Be it natural disasters, ethnic cleansing or attempts for total extinction, there is always a force that seems to prove itself and its might. 

It is, therefore, that same force that ensures we shall prevail – no matter what. Of course, it will not be easy, and the forces whose wish it is to break our spirit may have unprecedented plans. 

We should also not forget that the same forces, in their little bubble, may see themselves as mightier. 

In their illusion, they may convince themselves as the wisest while ignoring the unfathomable and mysterious ways of nature. 

We must remain strong and never waver no matter what may come. 

We need no further assurance and cognisance that the spirit of our forebears still lurks in the dunes of the Kalahari.  

The spirit of Hendrik Witbooi, Mandume Ndemufayo, Samuel Maharero, Kakurukaze Munguda, Immanuel Shifidi and many other heroes and heroines stands on guard for our generation. We shall continue to rise and survive; hence, there is no need to be shaken. 

We must, therefore, continue to be an inspiration to those who may be weak – not only in the heart but mostly in spirit. 

When we feel bothered or demoralised, let us remember to be still and know that there is a force that guides our every victory.  However, to receive such guidance, we must turn and look within – not outward. 

We must, at every opportunity take control of the monkey mind and tap into our intuition for the message of the moment, for nature’s guidance is impermanent and comes in real-time for every present moment. 

When this is done effectively and consistently, this generation shall continue to rise and will not be held back by the chains and events of the past.



Uncommon Sense is published every Friday in the New Era newspaper with contributions from Karlos Naimhwaka