
Unemployed graduates initiate youth unemployment foundation

Home National Unemployed graduates initiate youth unemployment foundation

WINDHEOK – Some unemployed graduates have initiated a youth organisation, the Unique Empowerment and Employment Initiative Foundation (UEEIF) to combat unemployment among young people in the country.

The foundation is to advocate and provide empowerment and employment opportunities to the Namibian youth through entrepreneurships and income generating initiatives.  It has been founded by eight graduates from different fields of studies. UEEIF have a subscription of more than hundred unemployed graduates. Chairperson, Festus Malakia says they are seeking the empowering and uplifting of the Namibian youth, and at the same time promoting and advocating for youth participation in mainstream economy.  

Malakia adds that Namibian youth are faced with high unemployment rate, under-employment, lack of start-up capital, lack of access to information, inadequate representation at the national level and lack of basic services, with rural youth being the most vulnerable. “The majorities of unemployed youths are graduates from underprivileged backgrounds and previously disadvantaged families,” says Malakia. He adds that the foundation will represent Namibian youth, be it at the forefront of the struggle for economic freedom among the youth, mobilise graduates (unemployed and employed) from different fields of studies with different skills to form viable business ventures, initiate income generating projects in rural communities and at the same time creating a platform where young people can contribute to policies aimed at empowering the youth. 

The foundation is also calling for more unemployed graduates to subscribe with them, with a fee of N$ 200. According to Malakia, membership is open to all individuals who show a commitment to be involved in its activities and to adhere to its principles. Some of the benefits for the members are eligibility to a start-up capital; access to business seminars and business pitching platforms; access to employment opportunities provided by partner organisations; corporate companies and government agencies; help with job hunting skills and preparation for job interviews, just to mention a few.

“Our vision is to create a self-sustaining generation of youth. We will be investing in the manufacturing sector to not only boost our own local economy, but to become a self-reliant nation,” explains Malakia.