
UNFPA donates dignity kits

Home National UNFPA donates dignity kits

Hilma Nakanduungile 

EENHANA – The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has donated food and other items to people living with disabilities, expectant women, schoolgoing adolescent girls and teen club members in the Ohangwena region. 

The development agency, which aims to meet government half-way, donated goods which includes 558 dignity kits consisting of 2kg washing powder, sanitary pads, bathing soaps and other toiletries, 116 (10kg) bags of maize meal and 166 (500g) of beans. 

According to UNFPA country representative Dennia Gayle, the donations are a response to last year’s call by President Hage Geingob on international communities and development partners to assist the Namibian government in tackling drought.

Handing over the relief donations on Monday at Eenhana, Gayle said they looked specifically to the needs of young girls and women.

“We want to make sure that your dignity is protected and that your safety is assured. We want to ensure that you can go to school and go out to play with your friends freely,” said Gayle.
Apart from Ohangwena, regions such as Kunene, Omusati and Omaheke also benefited from this initiative, with Kavango East and West and Zambezi to follow. The total value of the donations for seven regions is N$954 000.00 

The UNFPA representative hence urged educators and health workers to be on the look to identify the needy.    

“We need to make sure that no one is left behind. We will ensure that we do what we need to do to take care of you. We are totally behind you,” assured Gayle.

Speaking on behalf of the health ministry, chief health programme officer, Tresia Handjaba said UNFPA has played a major role in supporting the region to advance maternal, adolescents and child health services in the region, since 2012.

Through the agency’s financial, technical and materialistic support, the followings were done: construction of an additional building at Eenhana maternity waiting home, renovation of Eenhana and Engela maternity waiting homes, purchasing of two vehicles for Eenhana district, donated medical equipment, donated beds and mattresses for Eenhana maternity waiting home. 

Additionally, the agency funded for training workshops for traditional birth attendants, adolescents, health workers (nurses and doctors). They further availed funds for community awareness meetings, focusing on adolescents and child health issues. 

Receiving the donations, Ohangwena governor, Usko Nghaamwa commended UNFPA for its continuous support to the region. Additionally, he warned beneficiaries to refrain from selling the relief donations. 
Grateful…Ohangwena governor Usko Nghaamwa pictured with UNFPA country representative, Dennia Gayle (yellow top), and learners from different schools during the handover of donations.