
Unplug and keep walking

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Unplug and keep walking

So much has been said about mental wellness, be it in these writings or everywhere else. More than often, the focus and emphasis are on mental unwellness and the possible outcomes thereof. This may leave one in an unstable position because they may now realise that they have been struggling with mental issues and are left with very little info on what to do. It also happens that the solutions suggested are too far-fetched that there is nothing that one can do in their immediate environment to get intervention.

Of course, professional help is often the highly suggested option but, for many, it may not be that easy to go about. This is due to many reasons ranging from access, finances etc. However, there are much simpler ways that anyone can immediately put to work to improve their mental health situation. Some are so simple they may not even cost a cent nor are they time consuming. Since most of the most common excuses are usually financially or time-related, this leaves no room for none of that. 

All that is required is the will and commitment for better mental wellness. While we are at it, it is also very important to mention here that, from experience, it is very difficult or maybe even impossible to achieve mental wellness without some level of physical activity or fitness.

Not that physical activity and fitness alone can assure improved mental wellness, but it plays a very crucial role. Now when talking about physical activity, one may be naturally inclined to think of intense workouts and exhaustive marathons. 

Of course, those are great and their results outshine less effort but there are also simple ones. Even just a daily walk of about 30 minutes can be a great milestone towards improved mental wellness. It may sound so simple due to the little effort that goes into it but the most vital aspect of it is its therapeutic “properties”. 

Now unlike other physical activities for fitness which are mostly done in groups and bootcamps, for therapeutic benefits, a daily 30-minute walk is more effective when done in solitude. Besides it being a physical activity, it is also the best time for reflection and introspection as well as the best time for self-talk and counsel. These walks are also beneficial especially when one is faced with some decisions to make. Just to say that, as simple as it may be or seem, its impact on one’s mental and overall health is invaluable. It is that simple and all it takes is the will to get started and the result will speak for itself, instantly. However, it is highly recommended that for better results, this practice is best coupled with unplugging from the matrix, even just temporarily. 

This simply means to effectively implement this practice, which is better done in the early hours of the morning, there are certain activities that must be avoided. For improved mental wellness, one should avoid social media, television or even listen to anything. This practice should rather be done with inward observance and awareness of one’s surroundings.

These are some of the simple, yet effective steps one can take towards improved mental wellness. These are not the final antidote but rather a starting point to improved mental wellness while still seeking other professional psychosocial services. The end goal, though, is self-empowerment so that one is finally able to take ownership of their mental wellness through learning skills and encompassing knowledge and techniques for optimum mental wellness.  

E-mail: karlsimbumusic@gmail.com Uncommon Sense is published every Friday in the New Era newspaper with contributions from Karlos Naimwhaka