UPM will re-introduce religious studies

Home National UPM will re-introduce religious studies

WINDHOEK – The United People Movement (UPM) would re-introduce religious studies should they be voted into power.

Speaking at a poorly attended “star rally” held at a guest house in Windhoek, Jan van Wyk, the movement’s national chairperson, said the UPM aims to get representation in parliament and through this representation will demand the introduction of religious studies in government schools.

Pressed as to how this would work as Namibia is a secular state, Van Wyk said Namibia is supposed to be 95 percent Christian but Christianity will not be forced on anyone.

He said UPM sees Christianity as a cornerstone of education.

Van Wyk also said UPM will fight for the fair distribution of tax and gross national returns for each region to contribute towards essential development.

Another area they will address is the provision of affordable land in urban areas, sanitation, water as well as affordable standard housing for low-income groups, the poor and unemployed, Van Wyk stated.

He said they will see to it that stewardship becomes the key towards effective management at all levels of government and that leadership that allows or are involved in corrupt practices be called to order.

They will put measures in place to address and eliminate social immoralities including the evil of corruption.

UPM is adamant that free quality education and quality health services be implemented for all citizens of Namibia.

Van Wyk lamented government “mispriorities” such as what he said is the wastage of public funds on unnecessary luxuries such as the planned construction of the new parliament for N$700 million, a hospital for the elite for N$350 million and a retirement home for the president for over N$30 million.

According to Van Wyk schools in the Khomas and Rehoboth districts are in a bad condition and other schools such as the Kanobib Primary School were closed.

He said some children do not have access to education as their parents cannot afford to send them to school.

Van Wyk wanted to know what government is going to do about these children’s plight to which he sacarstically responded rhetorically: “Nothing, I promise you nothing will be done.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, the UPM will make the necessary sacrifices for the sake of responsibility, or rather stewardship, towards God and towards the nation,” he said and continued that they will use the parliamentary platform to address issues concerning the quality of life of pensioners, vulnerable children, disabled people and those with social problems to ensure their economic status changes for the positive.

UPM will introduce measures to eliminate gender-based violence and will demand the implementation of measures to improve access of SMEs into the market, which will help downsize the escalation of shebeens in the country.

He called on followers and sympathisers to turn up at the polls in big numbers to give UPM the mandate to fight on their behalf in the highest decision-making body.