
US embassy starts work on new office

Home National US embassy starts work on new office

The Embassy of the United States (US) in Namibia has begun with groundwork on its state-of-the-art embassy office in Klein Windhoek.
Embassy spokesperson Walter Parrs revealed this on Friday.

Parrs said in February last year, the embassy contracted a local nursery to conduct a survey of the ground to identify and mark protected trees and plants and also later hired a leading Namibian botanist to map the locations and assess the viability of relocating the flora.
“We have ensured the new embassy compound will include renewable energy through solar panels, minimise water usage, and incorporate indigenous trees and plants, including as much as possible some currently on the site,” he said.  
According to him, efforts to preserve as many of the existing trees and plants as possible began in late 

Regrettably, Parrs said given the shallow root systems caused by the underlying rock bed, it was determined by Namibian experts that most of the trees could not be transplanted.  

However, he said the aloes on site were identified as having good potential to be successfully replanted.  
“As many aloe plants as possible will be saved and either incorporated into the landscaping or donated locally,” he said.   
 Unfortunately, Parrs says this work required removal of the trees that were not goo candidates for transplant.  
He added that all invasive species on the property are being removed and disposed off properly.  
“The contractor has received all the required permits and permissions from the government of Namibia to carry out the work being undertaken,” he said. 

 According to him, the contractor leading the construction will donate to Namibia new trees to offset the impact of those that had to be removed for the new buildings. 

“A local firm has been contracted to landscape the grounds when the buildings are complete, and the new embassy will use only indigenous tree and plant species for that landscaping. Namibia’s spectacular indigenous trees will frame the new embassy,” he related.
 He said the embassy is grateful for the counsel Namibian experts have provided to preserve as much flora as possible.  
“We share their deep care for Namibia’s natural resources. We are fully committed to preserving all the trees and plants that indeed can be preserved,” he said.

“For those that cannot, we look forward to watching the next generation of Namibia’s beautiful indigenous trees grow on the new US Embassy compound,” he added.  
– ktjitemisa@nepc.com.na