Have your vehicle ready for winter

Home Front Page News Have your vehicle ready for winter

Winter arrived this week with the social media abuzz with complains of how especially cold is Windhoek. Motorists are likely experiencing this cold weather through their vehicles refusing to start in the early morning hours.

Woema has the following tips for motorists to ensure their cars are problem free this winter.

Have the radiator system serviced or check the antifreeze level yourself with an antifreeze tester. Clean, flush and put new antifreeze in the cooling system. You can get an antifreeze from any filling station or any vehicle spare parts shop.

Make sure heaters, defrosters and wipers work properly. Replace windshield wiper fluid with a wintertime mixture. Else you might find yourself stranded one morning when you want to clean your windscreen.

Check the tire treads depth and tire pressure. Replace any worn tires, make sure the tires have adequate tread, and check the air pressure in the tires. Motorists in places such as Keetmanshoop and further down south should check their vehicles tyre pressure weekly.

Motorists should also keep the gas tank at least half full at all times to decrease the chances of moisture forming in the gas lines and possibly freezing.

Have the battery and charging system checked for optimum performance. Cold weather is hard on batteries. Have the brakes checked. The braking system is the vehicle’s most important safety item.

Have the exhaust system checked for carbon monoxide leaks, which can be especially dangerous during cold weather driving when windows are closed.

Motorists should check the tire pressure of the spare wheel in the trunk and stock an emergency kit with jumper cables, flashlight, flares, blanket, extra clothes, candles/matches, bottled water, dry food snacks and needed medication.