Venaani flirts with Diescho

Venaani flirts with Diescho

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader McHenry Venaani has allegedly identified 10 nominees for the upcoming electoral college, as empowered by the party’s constitution.

Although he is playing his cards close to the chest, New Era has been reliably informed that prominent academic and former Namibia Institute of Public Management executive director Joseph Diescho is among his chosen ones.

Insiders revealed that Venaani recently met with Diescho at a local restaurant to discuss his nomination.

Diescho replied late yesterday to a request for comment on the issue. 

“It is true that Mr Venaani ran by me the idea or suggestion to join his team of PDM leaders as a parliamentary candidate. We did not discuss the matter in great detail, but I understand where he is coming from, and I thanked him for having the confidence in me. I did communicate to him that I am resolved that going to Parliament at this stage and in the fashion he is suggesting is not for me. Going to Parliament in the manner suggested is not where I believe my limited competencies could best be used. I wish to stay in the academic enterprise, and as an independent public intellectual.” 

Diescho said he has also been approached by other political parties. 

“My answer is the same. I am surprised that other political parties have imbibed the Swapo formula of nominating and wheelbarrowing people into political leadership positions. I would have thought that at this stage of our self-governance, we would be moving towards doing away with the undemocratic practice of having people in Parliament who are not directly elected by the people. 

It is sad that opposition parties are trying to outperform Swapo at its own very bad game. Parliament is for politicians whose hearts are moved to bring about change in their people’s lives. Not a place to park friends, relatives and comrades who have nothing else to do”, he emphasised.

This publication also understands that a journalist with close ties to the party is among Venaani’s anointed ones.

The journalist, Sonja Smith, currently serves as Venaani’s personal assistant.

Moreover, officials from the PDM’s parliament office, presidential spokesperson Roberto Dirkse and Hamlet Luboni, are among the names mooted to be high up on the leader’s wishlist.

Others include parliamentarians Inna Hengari, Winnie Moongo and Maximilliant Katjimune, if they fail to make it on their own at the college.

When contacted yesterday, Venaani dismissed the purported list.

He said he has taken a two-day retreat to specifically think about whom to nominate. 

“Your information is absolute balderdash. I have taken a retreat to deal with that matter. I haven’t penned a single name on that list. Names of sitting MPs cannot appear on my list, as they are automatic candidates,” he said.

He hastened to say he was not responding to the questions for political correctness, but rather as a matter of reality.

“I have taken a retreat for two days, just to work on possible candidates. All those things you’re saying is news to me. I have not even drawn up a list; I have given myself time. I am looking at regional and political dynamics. Everything you’re saying is like a guess,” the seasoned politician said. 

He likewise poured cold water over allegations that the party is grooming Katjimune for a possible takeover when he steps down in five years.

“Who says anyone is groomed while [I] am the substantive head, and my term is months old? All your questions are premature and utter speculation,” he charged.

If anything, whoever takes over from Venaani will be a collective decision, he said.

“When a party agrees on who should be groomed to lead, there must be consensus around leadership. There has never been a discussion of Katjimune’s name as a possible successor. Not by me at all,” he said.

“The central committee will convene on Saturday, 5 October 2024 in Windhoek, to elect members of the national executive committee, and finalise our parliamentary list for the National Assembly election. We are very united and focused as we head into this crucial exercise on Saturday,” was all Katjimune could say yesterday when approached for comment.

Looking at the current crop of PDM leaders, he said there is an abundance of talent and energy.

“There are so many candidates whose profiles I have raised to say, ‘Maybe this guy, maybe that guy’. So, all these people are just saying this to put their names ahead of others. It’s the same thing that [Vipuakuje] Muharukua was playing – always trying to put his name ahead of others. There is nothing like that. I’ll probably groom four people, giving them all they need to know about the party. And then the party can choose from them. But grooming one is dangerous,” he stated. 

Sources close to the PDM are engulfed by allegations ahead of this weekend’s electoral college at Parliament in Windhoek. 

There is growing uncertainty about whether Charmaine Tjirare and Hidipo Hamata, who took the party to court in 2020, will make it onto the PDM’s parliamentary list this year.

Whispers in the party corridors suggest that Venaani may be attempting to atone for the party’s earlier reshuffling disaster by giving favourable list positions to certain members who lost their jobs as teachers due to the list changes.

However, it seems that Tjirare and Hamata are not part of this reconciliation effort. 

Instead, rumours hint at a deliberate move to exclude them as payback for the court case which rattled the party.

A close source in the party said it is alleged that a faction of the PDM youth league, spearheaded by key figure Vakamuina Kamutuezu, is pushing for Tjirare and Hamata to be sidelined from the parliamentary list, arguing that their actions harmed the party.

If this internal push succeeds, the two could find themselves left out if the PDM secures strong numbers in the upcoming elections.

Talks are that Katjimune is presumed to be in good books with the president, and rumours are that he is currently grooming him for succession, as this will be Venaani’s last term in office.

These serious allegations are thus circulating at a critical moment, and the outcome of the event could shape the future of several party members.


Additionally, talk in the PDM corridors is indicating that senior party figures from the Zambezi and Kavango regions are threatening not to vote for the party if none of their regional coordinators make it high up on the parliamentary list.

Furthermore, veteran politician and treasurer general Nico Smit has indicated that he is not running for parliament.

Rather, he will focus on managing the assets of the movement.

Presently, the PDM has 16 members in the National Assembly.