
Venaani wants more youth in Parliament

Home National Venaani wants more youth in Parliament

ONGWEDIVA – PMD president McHenry Venaani has urged residents of the Okaku constituency to vote for Jason Haufiku in the by-election, slated for the area on 17 March.

“Vote for the right candidate who can focus on the youth’s projects in the constituency. Many youths are suffering because of politicians who failed to fulfil their duties. Some politicians are just running around, making noise, saying ‘Namibia is all we have’, but they don’t talk about the issues that affect the youth,” he said Saturday.

Venaani will be in the Okaku constituency for three days, going house to house and cuca shops to campaign for his candidate.

He said their campaign is earmarked toward national elections in 2024, which he termed a generational election for the youth of this country.

Venaani boasted that PDM is the only political party with the most youths in parliament, compared to other political parties.

“PDM is focusing on taking young people into the offices because they are the ones who bring change to this country,” he said.

Furthermore, Venaani has called on the government to construct earth dams for each village to prevent people from the effects of floods.

On his part, Haufiku pledged to tackle the high unemployment rate in the constituency and implement more youth projects.

“I will make sure each house will have one toilet and tap water,” he said.

Meanwhile, some of the Okaku residents who spoke to New Era said they are tired of voting for leaders who are stealing the government’s money. They stated that many millions have gone missing, and they don’t get drought relief food.

– fhamalwa@nepc.com.na